Culture variation in the Midwest

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Dec 2, 2021
I wear various ball caps all day long outdoors and inside during the cold weather months...They help keep my head warm, (I'm not even close to being bald) and occasionally during the Summertime, when I tend to wear my hair much shorter, and even then, usually just when I'm mowing, working outside or shooting. Thankfully, taking your hat off indoors has been a passe, outdated concept where I live, AND...Has been for a long time now...And, I say good riddance to it! 👋🙄


Jun 15, 2023
It must be an age thing as well as a mentor thing.
My education included such guidance as was never wear a hat indoors, stand for women, hold chair for women, open doors for women, walk on the curbside of the sidewalk when with a woman.
Grandson's hat behavior not so much.... except when he enters my house, my rules.....inheritance rules.
Seems to work at least while in my presence.


Apr 14, 2022
I wear various ball caps all day long outdoors and inside during the cold weather months...They help keep my head warm, (I'm not even close to being bald) and occasionally during the Summertime, when I tend to wear my hair much shorter, and even then, usually just when I'm mowing, working outside or shooting. Thankfully, taking your hat off indoors has been a passe, outdated concept where I live, AND...Has been for a long time now...And, I say good riddance to it! 👋🙄
You are, of course entitled to your opinion.... just stay out of NJ....
Jan 2, 2005
Northern Illinois
Maybe it is my age, and my upbringing, but certain behaviors indicate to me a lack of class. And this has nothing to do with money, or wealth, or education. Rich or poor, educated or not, parents can instill or not instill certain cultural practices into their children as representative of what shows respect for others and for community values. Wearing a hat indoors is just one of those practices that I can't help but notice. Women with multiple tattoos, and for that matter men with the same, denote a certain degree of class, as does multiple face and other body piercings. Everyone is free to do as much of this as they desire, but it does send signals to the rest of society even if some fail to respond to those signals.

And just to show that I am not obsessed with men wearing hats indoors, many other ways of living denote the same degree of class (and self respect in my opinion) that show my upbringing. A front yard filled with junk, the use of excessive profanity in public regardless of the presence of women and children, are just some that come to mind right now.
Mar 25, 2024
Behind Enemy Lines
I wear a ball cap outside, take it off when I go indoors if I'm going to be in for awhile, but not if I'm just in for a couple minutes, but not as I enter like was required in the military. I never wear one if we're dressing up, at church, fancier restaurants, etc. If while at a less fancy eatery, I'll take my cap off if, after reading the room, I feel compelled and there is a handy place to put it. Usually remove it in other people's homes depending on length and purpose of visit, and the demeanor of the homeowner. Always remove it at a meal at another person's home. I had to think about all this, most of it is just natural with little conscious thought put into it. I consider myself an aware and respectful person, but don't spend a ton of time thinking about things like this since I retired.
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Mar 25, 2024
NE Arizona
Having Mohs Surgery four times to remove a type of skin cancer called Squamous cell carcinoma from my scalp requires that I keep my head covered at all times while outside. So have become a connoisseur of hats. I generally take them off inside. But during the winter I wear beanies all the time, in or out.

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