Recent content by sfhogman

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  1. sfhogman

    Good news for me … after 4 years

    EXCELLENT!! Great to family and friends have had a terrible time with cancer. Your news is like a breath of fresh air!
  2. sfhogman

    MIA Snake45

    Well, that hurt. I always looked forward to his posts and reading his "take" on things. RIP.
  3. sfhogman

    Who remembers Bridey Murphy?

    I remember it. I was a little kid, and I recall thinking- possibly for the first time- "This is a hustle." Being only 9 or so I wasn't sure what the hustle was, but I knew one when I saw it. Later in life I would have followed the money, of course.
  4. sfhogman

    Memorial Day reflections

    This weekend I will not complain about the price of anything.
  5. sfhogman

    What type of cookware do you use?

    Well, kinda sad story...I've been using Lodge cast iron ware for the past 40 years or so with excellent results. Recently, on a whim, I purchased a Victoria 12" skillet from Amazon. Compared to the Lodge the Victoria has slightly finer casting, lighter weight, and a longer more ergonomic...
  6. sfhogman

    Book Recommendations

    "On Hallowed Ground: The Story of Arlington National Cemetery" by Robert Poole. Cannot recommend it highly enough.
  7. sfhogman

    What animal made this noise?

    When I was in college my roommates and I had an "intact" tomcat that would make sounds like that when he was horny, which was most of the time. He would yowl down the lightwell of our building; the sounds were remarkably similar to those in that video. He did have a set of pipes on him! I...
  8. sfhogman

    Star/Famous Person Doing Good

    As I understand it, Dolly is going to cease doing tours but will continue to perform on a more limited basis. Her husband has Alzheimer's and it has gotten to the stage where she feels she needs to be near him. Blessings on them both.
  9. sfhogman

    I lost my shooting buddy.

    Interesting thread. I got my hearing aids about five years ago from the VA. While talking with my doctor- and good friend - he suggested that I check with the folks in Audiology. I told him that if I did have a hearing loss it wouldn't be covered as it wouldn't be service connected. Most...
  10. sfhogman

    Wash and wax

    Washed, waxed and polished the Bonneville yesterday. It was usually warm, so I did the waxing in the garage. Looks gorgeous. Woke up this morning to a nice, thick, wet fog. Figures.
  11. sfhogman

    Wash and wax

    Nice looking Kawasaki! What model is it? Do love me a sport tourer...
  12. sfhogman

    Wash and wax

    Beautiful machine. That picture does give me the jones to go out and buy another Electra Glide...rode nothing but FLH for 25 years. At 76 my Bonneville suits me beautifully, but still... Got to wash and wax my little friend later today... Do we have a great affliction or what?
  13. sfhogman

    Cicada hell

    Hadn't thought about it but yes, cicadas sound VERY much like my tinnitus. Oddly, my hearing aids make no difference.
  14. sfhogman

    Cicada hell

    I remember the buzzy little suckers from back when I was a kid in Des Moines. My brother and I found the nymph shells and the red-eyed adults fascinating.... They drove our parents nuts. Then suddenly they were gone. The bugs, not the parents....
  15. sfhogman

    A message from Mike Rowe

    Reminds me of an old Irish barman I knew many years minute you're creating a problem, the next minute you're standing outside with a smile on your face. Smoothest 86 in town.