Recent content by dweis

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  1. dweis

    People will gripe about ANYTHING

    Yes, to that. But I forgive them because i get a 10% veterans discount there.
  2. dweis

    People will gripe about ANYTHING

    I think Costco should be innovative when it comes to its shopping carts. After all some people have a lot of needs. The best additions for the upscale crowd are: Cup holder so you don't spill your $4 coffee from Starbucks Smart phone app so you can readily access texts an emails while shopping...
  3. dweis

    Chesty Puller

    I became a Marine in 1960, five years after Puller was forced to retire for medical reasons. As he is today he was the: a Legendary Marine. He was so revered that we grunts when faced with a dilemma would ask "what would Chesty do? There was a lot of controversy in the Coros about why he was...
  4. dweis

    Payton Manning is dead to me!

    I totally agree, but there is a big difference between educating and bashing those with whom we have differences opinion. We in the gun community get bashed all the time. Is that affect our thinking? No! Mimicking our opponents behavior is not a solution. But the boycott was and is...
  5. dweis

    Payton Manning is dead to me!

    Really -- what makes Bud Light or Peyton Manning worth discussing? Nothing. Wasted and silly thread.
  6. dweis

    Fastest growing job

    I read the article the OP mentioned at breakfast. The need for workers is growing daily and the average annual earning is $80,000. No college degree required but it is not a good job for anyone who has a fear of heights.
  7. dweis

    Fastest growing job

    So what if society does not collapse? The numerous predictions of the collapse of society over the centuries and during 81 years on earth have just not happened. But should it happen a burning windmill will the least of our problems.
  8. dweis

    OK, it's after Thanksgiving -

    As one PA guy to another i need a suggestion about a good place to dine-in near Lemont. Once every 3 months i drive to Massillonn OH to see. My son and his family. State College is about the halfway point on my drive from the Philly area. It is a perfect area to take a break on the 7 hour...
  9. dweis

    Question about Marine ranks.............

    The Department of the Nav is composed to twi service branches: the US Navy and th US Marine Corp. The Corps is independent to the Navy and is not controlled by the Navy. However both services operate as a joint force. The Corps’s main purpose is to be naval infantry and so its main delivery...
  10. dweis

    Research Shows Handguns Best Defense In Bear Attacks

    Bear spray is the best defense. When a bear charges it will run fast, low to the ground, and head on. Very. Hard to aim at, and small lethal target area, the head which has vet thick skull.
  11. dweis

    Is there a shortage of pigs

    No,probably best to get freezer first. The only decision is size. Size matters.
  12. dweis

    Is there a shortage of pigs

    Get a Costco membership and a freezer.
  13. dweis

    I turn 70 this year..........

    @41Dude, I really understand your transition. I was there 10 years ago, Now at 81 I have undergone another transition. About 70 I began to thin out my gun cache. My range days decreased over time. The arthritis in my hands got prof=gressively worse. I stopped shooting anything over 9mm. At...
  14. dweis

    The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly Re: Security .380?

    I switched from 9mm (Security 9 Compact) to a Security 380 when the arthritis in my hands forced the issue. Now I find that I m more accurate with the 380, and faster too. I load Extereme Defender 68 Gr. That bullet travel fast. The recoil is barely more than a 22 LR. I ove the 380. Sorry I...
  15. dweis

    How low can society go?

    I fail to understand why nonprescription NARCAN is s sign of degeneration, Consider these facts. \a 1. There is a serious drug problem in the USA (and worldwide). 2. THe drug problem is uncontrollable by law enforcement, charities, churches and families. 3. NARCAN can save a life (All life...