Recent content by 2Late45

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  1. 2Late45

    Sure gets lonesome here.

    I was blessed for 49 years, 10 months and 27 days. I have sons and grand daughters that fill my life with joy, but I also eat alone. Take comfort and strength in your faith that we will meet them again my friend...
  2. 2Late45

    My Grandmother,

    This is my mother sitting on my grandmothers lap in 1915. They both lived into their mid 90's. I could never get over the fact that Grand-Ma had Civil War veterans as neighbors while growing up, and got to watch Neil Armstrong walk on the moon on tv in my parents living-room.
  3. 2Late45

    Something for y'all Army Arty guys

    Technology never stops. We had a battery of MLRS from Pittsburgh attached to us years ago. (109th FA)
  4. 2Late45

    Karma Winner, Cary's grips

    Thanks for offering this fine Karma, and congratulations to the winners. Would enjoy seeing pics when they get used...
  5. 2Late45

    Karma offering

    Oh, put me in also coach. Either or, be proud to have a set of Cary's grips...
  6. 2Late45

    Still in the Free Zone

    Belated welcome from the western side of the Keystone...
  7. 2Late45

    Bill "Grumpy" Jenkins

    Loved those Hurst "T" shifter handles...
  8. 2Late45

    April 1,1945 United States Arm Forces invade Okinawa.

    My father was Penn. Nat. Guard in the 30's. Mounted cavalry that was activated,(Federalized), Dec of 41. After OCS and branch training he was an "Old Man" of 33 when he got to enjoy Okinawa and the typhoon. Never had a lot to say of his war experience. He did have a lot of horse stories...
  9. 2Late45

    How old are we

    Nice to see some Triumphs posted. I'll be 73 in October.
  10. 2Late45

    Help Identify this Pistol

    Well for a few years Kimber took a lot of heat for their external extractors, but I don't recognize the solid trigger. I'll yield to gunman's shot in the dark...
  11. 2Late45

    "Don't have permission to view this page, etc...."

    Had the same issue last year, took over a month to get back. My profile and avatar were saved, but lost a couple thousand posts. Just glad to be home...
  12. 2Late45

    Any of you ride motorcycles?

    My oldest had a beautiful black and gold 750RR "once". Went down on a track day in Florida. Broke my heart, loved that color scheme...
  13. 2Late45

    Operation Praying Mantis

    Informative, and entertaining. I can believe he's an electrician...
  14. 2Late45

    Fire pit pic

    Old Fire Brick in my son's side yard.
  15. 2Late45

    Quotable quotes

    Always liked my signature, that's why I use it as a tag line on my forum posts. Copied it from a latrine wall in the Republic of South Viet Nam.