Recent content by gasbag

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  1. gasbag

    Have you ever had to run for your life?

    If I ever had to run for my life I would die. And my mobility scooter does only 8mph so...............
  2. gasbag

    Tiger loose in Georgia

    This is the reason I stay out of Georgia. They have tigers.
  3. gasbag

    I think I know how to know that you are old

    I know I'm old. I got out of the shower last night and got a glimpse of me in the mirror over the sinks. Damn. I don't know whose body that is but it can't be mine.
  4. gasbag

    Harry and Meghan hit bottom, dig.

    If I cared anything about Hairy Meghan I would respond to this thread. Wait; I just did. >>sounds of thinking in the background<< Hmm, I think I just caused a rift in the space/time continuum.
  5. gasbag

    Stella Stevens dies

    This is just a guess.......but the reason for that may be that WE ARE OLD.
  6. gasbag

    I think I know how to know that you are old

    Last June I had a VERY bad heart attack. I'm 78. They didn't know if I was going to live for about a week. Had a 5-way bypass and a cardiac implant. Now that I am vertical once again and doing better I am beginning to start doing things I was 'putting off' because I thought I was too old or...
  7. gasbag

    Today's styles?

    Watching people on the street I assumed today's style is to try and look homeless.
  8. gasbag

    Who died this week

    1.8 people die every second. It's kind of a universal constant.
  9. gasbag

    Do you routinely carry more than one gun?

    Yes I do. This is me on the way to the grocery store.
  10. gasbag

    More TV stupid

    Imagine, trying to compare television to reality. Hmmmm. Hey........I bet this means that Rod Serling made documentaries.
  11. gasbag

    Procedure on 1-3-23

    I just had open heart surgery (CABG X 5) a few months ago + a cardiac device installed 2 months later, in the hospital for 5 weeks and the subject never came up. Everyone BUT the patients wore masks.
  12. gasbag

    Who puts up a Christmas Tree?

    No tree here; real, fake or imagined.
  13. gasbag

    No question about it, this forum is for old guys

    I am not old, I just smell that way.
  14. gasbag

    politically correct language rant

    I believe that most of these PC folks are completely "unhinged".
  15. gasbag

    Ever Notice this? It's TV Again

    Television---bad programming rudely interrupted by 8 minutes of commercials every 10 minutes.