Do any of your train to shoot, lifting weights, etc?

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Mar 19, 2017
Central Kansas
I am about to turn 70 this Saturday so as they say, "I ain't what I used to be". I do try to keep in shape as best I can which includes 2-3 trips to the gym to lift weights. I gave up on heavy weights long ago and now concentrate on lighter weights and more reps to build stamina. I shoot some steel plates in a league at our indoor range and my new prodigy is bit heavier than the average handgun.

So my question, do any of you do some sort of exercises for either or both your hands, arms, legs and even eyes for shooting?

I use a 10lb weight and use it with my shooting grip and hold it on various targets in my shooting stance for a count to 50 and working up. I do three reps. One day I was doing this in the gym and a guy walked by and said "nice stance" to which I replied, thanks, do you know what it is for and he replied, shooting a handgun. Bingo! In my younger days I had a black belt in taekwondo and stance was always huge factor in everything we did so I use a lot of that in my shooting., Not that I am a great shooter just as I was not a great karate fighter!

So what, if anything do you all do?


Jan 16, 2010
I have grip and pinch hand exercisers in the truck for the 45 minute drive to work.
Strength wise - my lifestyle and workouts keep me able to out play and out work most kids half my age.
Cardio seems to be my weak point so workout time contains plenty of what's now known as HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training).
Good to hear about someone else not taking the easy route!


Jun 2, 2006
which includes 2-3 trips to the gym to lift weights
Is that weekly? Annually?

I do all the above. Not to train for shooting, but to make my twilight years better (than if I got no exercise at all). My equipment is at home. I use free weights and machines 3 days a week. I used to also be on the treadmill 3 days a week but have developed hamstring tendonitis at the insertion point at the knee. I'm nursing my knee and am taking a break from the treadmill.

All the above, not for any specific purpose, but just to maintain general mobility for the years ahead.

Good luck in your quest.
Nov 5, 2007
Dallas, TX
I am about to turn 70 this Saturday so as they say, "I ain't what I used to be". I do try to keep in shape as best I can which includes 2-3 trips to the gym to lift weights. I gave up on heavy weights long ago and now concentrate on lighter weights and more reps to build stamina. I shoot some steel plates in a league at our indoor range and my new prodigy is bit heavier than the average handgun.

So my question, do any of you do some sort of exercises for either or both your hands, arms, legs and even eyes for shooting?

I use a 10lb weight and use it with my shooting grip and hold it on various targets in my shooting stance for a count to 50 and working up. I do three reps. One day I was doing this in the gym and a guy walked by and said "nice stance" to which I replied, thanks, do you know what it is for and he replied, shooting a handgun. Bingo! In my younger days I had a black belt in taekwondo and stance was always huge factor in everything we did so I use a lot of that in my shooting., Not that I am a great shooter just as I was not a great karate fighter!

So what, if anything do you all do?
This is actually a great idea I hadn't thought about. It makes a lot of sense too. Holding a 3 or 4 pound weight with arms extended will make someone out of shape tired and accurately will definitely suffer.

On another note. Please post a review of your Springfield Prodigy. I would love to hear what you think of it.

Slyk Willy

Apr 14, 2012
Mid Michigan
My PT job hasn't been enough to keep me as physically active as I like when I chg'd from handling lumber to designing doors and windows. I use my in-home weight machine 2-3 times a week (lighter weights/higher reps).
Just yesterday, started a program through my ins carrier called "Silver Sneakers" which allows for free or reduced rate gym attendance. I found a local instructor for Cardio/strength stretch exercises many using dumb-bells. When I first showed up, the regulars (all ladies) said "O boy a guy!" They then told me that they used to have a guy but they wore him out.
I have to say this morning my butt and thighs are a bit sore. This is a once a week class so I'll go again next Tuesday.
I did focus on grip strength/ balance and stance so I wouldn't fall over and embarrass myself. I guess that'll translate into better form for shooting.
At 71, I need the activity too.


Jan 9, 2024
I'm 70 and walk 3 miles 6 days a week after stretching. Do dead hangs several times a week for grip strength (see YouTube ) . Also do 30 pushups each day in 3 sets of 10 about a 1 minute rest between each set, last set I try to push for failure at about 12. Also do Horse Stance ( YouTube) greatly improve leg lower back strength.
Concentrate on your diet also: eliminate sugar, search non-GMO foods, pasture raised eggs, high quality olive oil & apple cider vinegar on your salads, raw fresh garlic, eliminate processed sandwich meats , TV dinners, frozen pizzas and such.
I have lost 30 pounds in about 14 months with that regimen.
Concentrate on increasing your lower body, leg strength, the biggest risk as we age is falling. Statistics show someone breaking a hip at our age will be dead within a year as your body will waste away while trying to recuperate.
Good Luck!


Jul 4, 2023
At 72 I found that if I push strength training too much my arms tremble when I handle a pistol and I also found that nightly draw training with my fishing bow does not.


Nov 19, 2023
I just turned 69 I to take 3 trips to the gym lift weights only once a week I do have a routine it works well for me . I always start on the trend mill 15 minutes then one day I lift free weights and another two days I use the machines leg etc . I did join one of those big gym planet fitness not for me cancel after one month too many people so I start in February at my old small neighborhood gym
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Dec 4, 2021
I was going to the gym 3x/week. Had surgery to remove a growth on my palate removed (Biopsy came back negative this AM). Had pneumonia around "Turkey Day" but looking forward to hitting the gym as soon as the Dr. okays it!
Sep 1, 2003
Richmond Texas USA
You need a service dog, they can be trained to bring stuff to you so you can concentrate on
your exercises.
I have already tried the service dog route and it didn't work out to good.

Meet Bud
Nov 17, 2009
Webster, MD.
I was going to the gym 3x/week. Had surgery to remove a growth on my palate removed (Biopsy came back negative this AM). Had pneumonia around "Turkey Day" but looking forward to hitting the gym as soon as the Dr. okays it!
I renamed our bathroom from John to Jim. I can now honesty say I go to the Jim daily

Montana Cowboy

Sep 13, 2010
Washington State
I lift weights three days a week and ride a bicycle three days a week, I average 32 to 35 miles on each ride depending on the route I take. The fun thing about riding the bike is going down roads that I hadn't been down before, and you would not believe the stuff people lose. I have found all kinds of tools, peoples check books, wallets, credit cards, cell phones, key fobs, ammo, fishing gear, money, gift cards for restaurants, Knifes, a new large camo tarp, a new set of hearing protectors, the list goes on. The other day I came home from a ride and asked the wife if she would like to try this new lavender bra I found. Got a little off track here. When it comes to exercise, I always say whatever you do is better than doing nothing. I see people 20 years younger than me and they are in bad shape, as you get older exercise is important for good health.