They think I'm old.............

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Bob Wright

Jun 24, 2004
Memphis, TN USA
We've got snow in Memphis this morning! Maybe 7~8" deep, still a drizzle of snow falling. Temperature was 12* according to the thermometer in my Ford Escape. So I slept in until nearly 7:00 a.m. Got up, had my Bible reading and devotion time, then a breakfast of oatmeal and cinnamon toast. Swept the snow off the Ford, warmed it up and drove around a mite to double check the streets and then got my camera and tripod and headed out to a park for some snow pictures.

When I got home had a couple of messages on my answering machine. My niece checking on me. Got now answer so another call she was getting worried.

I have two nieces in town who check on me frequently and I do appreciated that, but sometimes it sort of gets worrisome with the 'phone calls. They seem to know the most inopportune time to call. Shouldn't complain, I know. But snow days have always been fun days!

Bob Wright


Sep 26, 2006
Pocatello, Idaho
I don't get many calls checking up on me. I'm almost getting too old to shovel the driveway but if you stop shoveling for more than a minute you freeze down and have to leave your shoes out there if you want to go in the house.