When nothing makes sense, eat cereal

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Oct 14, 2009
Friends, I have to tell you that as engaged as I try to be with politics - to make sense of it, to try to parse the messages - I've realized that nothing makes sense. Nothing, and it's probably worse than ever. We're not living in a world of substantive discussion - we're living in a comic book world of total baloney, and both parties want it that way, so that one collection of friends or the other get to feed off the Main Artery while it lasts. It's sheeple and creeple. I'm not worried, though, because:

In those moments, I invite you all to do what I have done: take a trip to the grocery store and buy a gallon of cold milk (the colder the better) and make yourself a bowl of cereal with fruit slices. I prefer Cheerios with just a dash of sugar and strawberry slices although I also do enjoy blueberries with them on occasion. Then you crisp up a nice English muffin with some butter and a satisfying cup of coffee (or tea, there are some who prefer tea and that's just fine as well) and you will feel better. Then go to work and don't worry about the rest of things.

A good morning constitutional walk to accompany that and you'll forget most of your troubles. And don't worry about the people who want to mess with your mind and make you angry. We have far too many professional people doing nothing who seem to think they're important - it's a talking head epidemic. Ignore them completely. That's what they deserve.

You will certainly start and end your day better. Maybe bring in a nice banana for later in the day to complement the blueberries, and remember that you don't have to have cereal, you can really make a great omelette in a few seconds. As you rise to meet the day, the most important thing is not to have your heart dragged off course into some awful ditch of hard feelings; a really good, fluffy omelette that you make yourself (maybe half a grapefruit!) will help you get through the day better than any advice I could give you. And if you like omelettes, I advise Scott Rea's preparation recipes, which very closely mirror Julia Child's originals, but he does them just a bit better, at least I think so. I like the way he does his quickly, even though I have to give credit where it's due to Julia for really pushing the envelope and making it possible.

When I make omelettes, I usually have my LC9s in an IWB holster, but that's strictly optional and according to your taste.

Keep calm and enjoy your life. Take the Cheerios with the really cold milk, slices of fruit and a little sugar, make yourself a great omelette, spend half an hour with your loved ones and embrace the day. The political dweebs are only there to enrich themselves and give you heartburn. There's nothing you can do about it. Winners always win.



Old School but Wonderful:



Mar 5, 2011
Wow...........great post.
My choice of cereal is Frosted Flakes.
I know, it's just sugar coated bits of cardboard but I love it.
If I need to relax for a bit I grab a big bowl of it with milk and sit down and go "AAAHHHHH".
Then I go out and do a bit of yardwork or hop on the motorcycle.
I don't watch the news or listen to politicians. They're all idiots trying to make us angry.
My wife makes great omelettes by the way............ :mrgreen:


Oct 14, 2009
contender said:
Sometimes we all need to step back & reflect upon ourselves & make sure we are taken care too!

I really do mean it. I've made my decisions about who I'm voting for and the rest of the junk is just noise. I'm not going to try to persuade anyone else - I'll let the multimillionare idiots on TV try to bounce them around, work on their consciousnesses, and generally act like manipulators for the next few months. I'd really rather just start my day well and enjoy it. For people who haven't made up their minds, I hope they'll try to at least enjoy a good breakfast: You'll be happier not listening to the noise.

If you aren't smart enough to understand what you believe in by now, nothing that's going to happen in the next few months is going to help you.

Rancher Will

Oct 10, 2010
North Colorado
Good advice. My choice is Old Fashion Rolled Oats, cooked with butter, cinnamon, and honey, in a bowl with real cream, not milk, and any fresh fruit or berries. A fresh, hot biscuit with sausage goes well with it too, along with a glass of cran-grape juice and coffee.


Jan 4, 2004
Rugerville, AZ
A shot of Mezcal gold before 7 am will lower your blood sugar by 100 points. I didn't believe it but it seems to work. Doc says its nonsense but I say so are his last ten years of prescriptions...
- not recommended for those who have to leave their home before noon.


Dec 7, 2008
Wesley Chapel, Florida
Well, for the most part, I Avoid the over sugared high caloric mush they put into boxes these days.
Once in a great while, I'll have a bowl of grits.
I usually stick to my eggs, bacon and Sausage, but once in a while DO add chopped Jalapenos, Chopped Banana Peppers and the sausage all chopped up into small chunks. OOPS, did I leave out mention of a couple spoon fulls of Sweet Corn Salsa?


Oct 14, 2009
mohavesam said:
A shot of Mezcal gold before 7 am will lower your blood sugar by 100 points. I didn't believe it but it seems to work. Doc says its nonsense but I say so are his last ten years of prescriptions...
- not recommended for those who have to leave their home before noon.

I'm not a physician and therefore I'll leave you to your doctor's advice. If it works for you, I wish you well. ;). It could be that's the secret to a longer life, it doesn't sound bad as long as you don't take it too far.

You know the problem people have with everything in America: I've really come to believe that somehow it morphed from the Land of Opportunity into the Land of One Step Too Far.

Enjoy in moderation.


Oct 14, 2009
graygun said:
Three cups of coffee in the morning and cereal at night...I'm a little odd.

Well there's nothing wrong with that because you are living with a different schedule. Many people in the United States across the Fruited Plain are as well. But have something regular and consistent that you enjoy and that makes your life better. Many of those things are very basic.

From what I've been able to tell the professional chattering class who want to make you angry start thinking of their attacks and talking points with almost complete collaboration via email and chat. They're working hard to make everyone really upset, and I'm refusing to buy into it any longer.


Oct 14, 2009
Colonialgirl said:
Well, for the most part, I Avoid the over sugared high caloric mush they put into boxes these days.
Once in a great while, I'll have a bowl of grits.
I usually stick to my eggs, bacon and Sausage, but once in a while DO add chopped Jalapenos, Chopped Banana Peppers and the sausage all chopped up into small chunks. OOPS, did I leave out mention of a couple spoon fulls of Sweet Corn Salsa?

I have some Steel Cut oatmeal that I'm going to make in place of the Cheerios tomorrow. Nice stuff, not too sweet, and a good breakfast with a bit of fruit. Obviously people who have special dietary needs have to follow their physician's advice. :) Sweet Corn Salsa is great by the way.


Oct 14, 2009
@Bull Barrel: For the time being, please stop making me want to spend money right now on a Moto Guzzi. :lol: I really like those bikes but I've got other things to buy first, and before this election you're really doing your best to entice me to spend money on a really sexy Italian motorcycle while I need to spend money on other things. Not that I mind, really - they're very seductive bikes and now they're made correctly. They go, they handle and stop, they don't leak fluids, and they just look like nothing else so I'm really in a quandary. Please stop before I do something that can help not just me, because I want to help all of us. :) I'll get one eventually, I've always wanted one. I promised myself that when I first started reading Cycle World because of the Moto Guzzi on the cover. That and Peter Egan, who is a biker, a rider, a driver and a scholar in addition to being a gentleman and a man who can turn a phrase as well as he can turn a crankshaft.

Dan in MI

Staff member
Aug 9, 2003
Davisburg, MI. USA
Shredded wheat, and strawberries or peaches.

Oatmeal any version closer to raw than quick oats.

Eggs any way but hard boiled, sausage, or bacon barely cooked, as it was described to me the first time "wilted."


Oct 14, 2009
One thing I should say about Julia Child's Omelette show is that although Scott Rea makes it simple and really does a great job of showing it quickly, if you watch carefully you can see what a great chef Child really was: she shakes the pan just a bit and achieves much of the same result - really it was all done with her wrist - and all of that was done on expen$ive film equipment inside a studio, so she didn't have the luxury of many re-dos. High pressure and very highly qualified, she was like nobody else, really. She also uses a nonstick pan and that's a fun bit of cross-generational agreement. I'm quite sure there won't be anyone like her again in my lifetime and I count that as a loss.

I'm a terrible ghost of a cook in comparison to her but it's really wonderful that both Scott and Julia have videos available now on YouTube.

Don't succumb to the negativity. Both of them do what they do because they believe(d) that people don't have to break the bank to prepare their own food, eat well and live will. If anyone else tells you differently, they're wrong.
Oct 26, 2006
Woodbury, Tn
Out of bed, drain the accumulated fluid, dress for the out of doors, and walk a half mile circuit on my farm. Back in the house take meds, shower, and out the door. On the way to work grab a sausage and biscuit. Etc! Coffee in AM if cold out


Jan 2, 2011
Medford, OR
I don't normally eat cereal but when I do, I eat Great Grains with just a bit of 2% and no sugar. Stay hungry my friends.
I use insulin and often have a glass of ale with dinner. It does lower your blood sugar. Just look up alcohol and diabetes. There's even a warning on my insulin that says not to drink alcohol because it lowers your blood sugar. So I don't overdo it but it sure helps when you have a big dinner.
To get my thinking straight and my tolerance to fools increased I like to take my BMW out and carve some curvy roads at excessive speed, just before the point where you hear metal dragging. A good, fast motorcycle ride clears the mind, you gotta be thinking only of what your doing, not the foolishness of the world. You can't do it doing boulevard cruising. A half hour of aerobatics will do the job too, or a couple hours putting a good sailboat hard on the wind. I can't do that anymore since all I have left nowadays is the bike. But that will do the job.
Oct 24, 2007
Every day:

Homemade tomato juice.

Double dose of bulk rolled oats with honey and blueberries.

One slice of bacon.

One hard boiled egg.

One banana.

Coffee as desired.

And rugerforum.com
