Trash on the beach

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Nov 5, 2007
Dallas, TX
We are down at the beach. And oh my goodness there are a lot of people here. In Galveston and all over.

Went for a walk on the beach today. People are just so trashy. I brought a small garbage bag that filled up in about 15 minutes.

It's just unbelievable how people can be so thoughtless. For examples all spring there were these people who stayed in a tent on the beach.

No joke, since around Spring break I've been coming down weekly. They were always there. Until now. They left and took down their tent. However, there is about a pickup truck load of trash they left behind. A ripped and broken tent, sleeping bags, and just a whole lot of junk.

I know a bunch of ya'll said similar things about public access shooting ranges. People just leaving shot up junk.

It's just so sad and frustrating at the same time.
Dec 8, 2005
Lemont, PA, USA 16851
I would like to know the ages of those in that tent. My guess they were under 30, they don't care, they think it's someones else's problem, that seems to be the nature of some people these days. I wonder if the police told them that that they can't be "camping" on the beach and they left saying "we'll show them"" and left the trash for someone else to clean up.

I was taught at a early age, when camping, visiting, etc. to leave the place the same as or better as when you arrived.
Nov 5, 2007
Dallas, TX
Yeah, the tent was on the section of beach where I walk most often. I always hated walking by that tent.

And unfortunately the beaches are open to everyone. I don't know, it's both good and bad I guess.

Badger Matt

Nov 27, 2006
Simpsonville, SC
I don't keep the trout I catch, but I take along a wicker creel. Most days I can fill it halfway up with streamside trash. It's sad to see so little respect for, well, anything.


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Sep 1, 2003
Richmond Texas USA
I do believe it depends on the class or no class of people.
During the EAA Oshkosh Fly-in you will NEVER see a piece of trash on the Airport or off. The town of Oshkosh is also spotless. If a lone piece does get loose it is picked up immediately by someone. I HAVE NEVER been to a public gathering where this takes place. We EAAers are extremely proud of this. During the week more than 10,000 airplanes and more than 12,000 sites in aircraft and drive-in camping accounted for an estimated 40,000 visitors.
This year's attendance was approximately 650,000 people,

During the airshow.

This is the way camping should be done


Nov 5, 2007
Dallas, TX
Great pictures Jim. And yes, it is the class of people. I just saw a news report. Last weekend down here in Galveston and Crystal Beach they had a Jeep "Meet" and there were over 200 arrests. A policeman got hit while directing traffic. Probably by some drunk.

I came down last Saturday and I remember all the Jeeps. But didn't know what was happening at the time. People think they need to act rowdy and cause trouble for some reason.


Sep 10, 2010
The older I get the more I think that a LOT of people just plain SUCK, No ethics at all and no consideration for others. :mad:

On the other hand, I know a guy that doesn't have a pot to pee in, alcoholic, smoker, some real problems but I have to hand it to him, he would never leave a mess anywhere and he picks up other people's messes. When he's done with a smoke he puts the butts in a pocket, instead of tossing them, stinks like an ashtray but he won't litter.


Jun 13, 2015
Sheridan, WY
We didn't have much of a trash issue here in Sheridan, Wyoming untill all the refugees from blue states began slithering in. Now there's used needles, energy drink containers, and piles of other trash on our walking paths and in our parks.
Jan 2, 2005
Northern Illinois
The public education system is at the root of this problem. Young people today have been taught that the main thing that matters is their feelings and their desires. The whole concept of responsibility is ignored, particularly personal responsibility. They are given a trophy for breathing, rather than for accomplishing anything. They are taught that they are victims of some other class of people. So it does not surprise me that these same people leave trash behind for others to clean up. Those leaving the trash probably think that they have been oppressed by others their entire lives, and so leaving behind a mess is some sort of virtuous payback to the "oppressors".

And of course if those leaving the trash and mayhem in their wake are members of a favored minority group, many will not blame them, even silently. Just as some Blacks actually believe that hating White people, and White society is not racism because it is Whites that "hold the power" and that racism is something that can only be attributed to the "powerful", not the "victims". The same goes for the alphabet people who seem to feel justified in demanding rights and privileges that others do not enjoy because supposedly of past discrimination against their group.

Society is just a full toilet and getting worse. At some point we will get good people to agree that we need a good flush.


Ruger Guru
Sep 18, 2002
Lake Lure NC USA
"If there's trash leftover at the beach it's because there was human trash at the beach a little bit earlier. Only lazy, low IQ losers leave their trash behind...anywhere."


On that baby diaper,, I would have tried to find a place to stuff it in/on their vehicle where they could not see it or find it for a while.

And about the beach.
Here in my hometown,, Lake Lure,, we have a beach for the public. It's kinda in the center part of the activity of the town. Kevin, I'm sure you know it, as you've driven through that area.
Across the road from the beach is a large paved parking area for a few buildings and the beach.
When I was growing up here,, it was a "locals" thing to sit across from the beach, and watch the girls & such. And we were a "dry" area meaning no alcohol. But most of the older guys would drink beer & such while there. Generally, there wasn't a trash problem. But,, in the 70's,, it got to where some non-locals would hang out there,, on Saturday nights, and leave behind a lot of beer trash & such. The City Council decided to "Do something" about it.
One day,,, a local guy,,, was by himself there,, sitting,, not drinking,,, not trashing anything. The City Council were having a meeting and were out there looking around at what they could do about the trash problem. The biggest loudmouth on the Council decided to confront the well known local. And made the big mistake of accusing him of being the "problem."
The local,, did NOT back down,, and in fact, got right in his face,, and told him; "It's your own damn fault. There is not a single trash can anywhere around here. If you want the trash off the ground,, put out some trash cans. And I will personally see that no one will throw trash on the ground." (There was a lot more back & forth discussion, along with the local threatening to whip the councilman after the councilman threatened the local with jail etc. The police chief was called and he actually backed up the local guy.)
To which,, the City put out trash cans.
And the local guy,, put out the word among all of us. "Use the trash cans or I'll whip your a88!" When the non-locals came around,, there were a few "physical discussions" and the trash was never on the ground. And the main local guy,, he was known to pick up trash if he got there & found any left behind when none of us were around.
Trash problem got solved.

I share this,, because it relates to trash on a beach. But,,, more importantly,, the "local guy" was a decorated Vietnam Vet,, who was only (1) of (4) guys who survived a VC overrun with serious injuries. He didn't speak of his Service except among people he trusted or knew. And he was well liked, highly respected, and due to his physical abilities AND willingness to be physical when necessary, people listened to him.
His funeral was the biggest one I've ever attended.
RIP Frank.

All it takes are people willing to NOT put up with the few bad people out there, AND be willing to stand up for what is right.
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Nov 5, 2007
Dallas, TX
That's a good story Contender. And yep I know that beach you are talking about. It's nice there. With that big hotel/restaurant off to the other side. I bet the guy in your story kept that area trash free. Good for him!

Right now down here there are just far too many people. And that's the issue. Last night my wife and I walked on another section of beach with fewer people and I picked up just a couple small pieces of trash.

Much, much nicer.
Apr 2, 2014
A large percentage of people as already pointed out are just lazy a$$ pigs.
Just this morning on a decent bike/running trail, laying right in the middle of it was
a bloody panty liner! What the hell kind of female pig leaves them in the middle
of a trail? I guess I'm not really surprised. parts of it have needles, occasional condoms,
and sometimes a sleeping drunk/addict or possibly homeless person also.
I suppose none of that is any worse than big piles of horse crap near the rural

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