CCW Used (sort of)

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Sep 18, 2002
Brodhead, Wisconsin
At (79) I have been a long time concealed carrier... and am a strong advocate of top information and training before getting one.
Last week my training from a long time back (8 hrs classroom and 4 hrs shooting) really paid off.
I pulled into a Target parking lot, and was getting out of my truck. I am somewhat handicapped, so have to stand when I get out for minute or so to get my knees ready to walk.
As I got out I notice a "suspicious subject" approaching me from between other cars, so I immediately sat back in my truck and left the door open.
He came over looking for money. I told him I could not help him, but good luck. Well he kept on getting more and more persistent, to a point that I became concerned.
So I calmly pulled out my .45 auto, and held it on my the far leg from the door, pointed at the dash, but so he could see it, and told him he best leave... NOW.
To say he immediately reversed course would be minor..
Sad part is when I went in the store and reported it, their comment was, "Yah, that happens a lot"
Not saying it would have turned out badly, but my CCW sure made sure it didn't .


May 21, 2017
Years ago I had a similar incident while getting gas except it was 2 guys who tried to box me in. I was aware of both of them and placed my hand in a clear "gun grip" position and warned them off. It worked
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Nov 15, 2005
Greenville, SC: USA
The reality is we spend years being laughed at or talked about by the 'sheep' and more than likely never need to prove them wrong... but I would rather do it that way than have them one day talk about how they don't understand why it happened to me......
Nov 15, 2005
Greenville, SC: USA
One of the closet times I ever came was way before I was carrying... wife and I were headed to the beach one morning... 4 hour drive and stopped half way there to get gas and she went in the store to buy something and as I was pumping a car came flying in with three young dudes in it... they drove by a man and a woman walking out of the store and yelled some rude comment .... then pulled over and got out and it was obvious they had been up all night drinking and went in the store still being rowdy and loud.... I took my 38 out of my suit case and wrapped it in a newspaper and walked over and went in the store... my wife had just finished buying what ever and was headed out... so, I just turned around and left with her.


May 3, 2023
I've had a few, one in a KMart where I think a group of guys saw me get out of my then expensive and desirable to a certain demographic car, and planned to carjack me. I had a weakly concealed 4" GP100 on and I think they figured the risk of a firefight wasn't worth a car

I had a road raging trucker tailgating me so I pulled out my "car gun" , a .44 snubby Redhawk and pointed it back at his radiator at my back window with the 100% intent to put 3 into it and disable the vehicle. He must have saw it because he fell back

Just a few days ago I was playing mini golf with my family and I had my SP101 kinda weakly concealed in a leather holster under a button down shirt I just threw on. It was breezy so I guess the gun was visible. I really don't make every effort to hide guns at all costs, if people see it , oh well . I wasn't under any threat but there was a group of early 20s people behind us kinda making a-hole little comments and kinda glaring at me..... because my kid was taking a long time to make putts. I just ignored them. Then the comments suddenly ceased and they decided to skip a hole and go ahead of us. There's a chance they saw my piece and decided to just steer clear. Who knows.

An armed society is a polite society because you may have to back up your actions with your life

Paul B

Dec 4, 1999
Tucson, AZ
I've mentioned the one where it was a case of mistaken identity; the guy thinking I was someone else. But one I completely forgot about happened back in 1962. I was in the Air Force at the time station at Nellis in Las Vegas NV. I was headed home to San Francisco on a two week leave and was headed down the Vegas strip when I stopped for a soldier in uniform hitchhiking. I asked him where he was going and I said I could take him as far a Barstow where the road forks, one way to LA and the other to San Francisco. He was cool with that until we got to Barstow when he pulls a knife as tells me he'll take my car and I can hitchhike to SF. He didn't that I had a Colt single action stowed next to the driver's side door and had a serious change of heart when it popped up in my left hand. He opened his door and got out very quickly and kept saying he was sorry. Didn't even thank me for the ride or not shooting him I never picked up another hitchhiker after that. Lesson learned.
Why that Colt single action? At that period in time I was getting involved in the fast draw craze brought about by all the western movies on TV. I didn't stay long and I felt it would damaged a fine nickel plated pearl handled revolver. Besides, on my GI pay it was too expensive of a hobby.
Paul B.


Oct 27, 2014
New Jersey
Lived in Vegas for a period in 1996/1997. Drove my dad out to the desert to retrieve personal items from our car that he had rolled over in the median weeks earlier. On way to the tow truck yard, driving on 15 (or was it 95?) desert dudes in a ratty old pickup pull up alongside us, stare, swerve a bit towards us, pull forward, then back to us, repeating a few times. No doubt looking for trouble. Dad, just out of hospital from serious injuries, was clueless. Finally, I presented my Ruger Super Blackhawk 4 5/8", stainless, unfluted cylinder that I was legally open carrying. Dudes hit the brakes and headed back to the hole they crawled from.

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