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  1. edm1

    Kindle ebook reader

    Well…..did you get a bunch of free book that were already loaded? I love my kindle😁
  2. edm1

    How do you account for the resurgence in popularity of revolvers and lever action rifles?

    I am 50. My first rifle was a Winchester 94 in 30-30. I wanted that because that’s what I saw on westerns.”lever action”. My first handgun was a Bearcat at 18yo. I have gone in and out of different gun phases over the years. I am convinced that the upsurge is due to the fact that I want to...
  3. edm1

    No more Boy Scouts

    It should be reiterated that Boy Scouts at a National level and a local level are two totally different things in many cases. No matter that BSA lets gay scoutmasters exist in the organization, local troops and their Charter organizations may not. As stated, my troop is at a Southern Baptist...
  4. edm1

    No more Boy Scouts

    Absolutely still teach Knives axes etc. “official knives” are cheap junk made in china. I don’t know any scout who has one of those. They carry real knives in most cases.
  5. edm1

    No more Boy Scouts

    I will also add that for me, as an adult, helping teach these kids and watching them mature is VERY rewarding. Seeing both of my Sons complete the requirements for Eagle is rewarding. There is a chance at a Boy Scout Eagle ceremony for the new Eagle to present Mentor Pins to a few adults who...
  6. edm1

    Something for y'all Army Arty guys

    I was in a Paladin battery. Spend a brief time in a MLRS unit. Todays Army has much better technology that when I was in. And we thought we were high speed.
  7. edm1

    Looking to Purchase an American Made Bible

    The Reformation Heritage study Bible is a KJV made in Michigan. I like mine. It’s a nice black leather Bible.
  8. edm1

    No more Boy Scouts

    My younger son turned in Eagle packet last Friday. I am an assistant SM and Eagle Scout. My older son is an Eagle too. The troops are boy only or girl only. I have no issue with scouting helping girls do cool things like backpacking, shooting, camping etc. As long as the troops are all one...
  9. edm1

    Well, it finally happened

    Well I can speak English and Morse Code…and when I speak to others in Morse code they all speak English.
  10. edm1

    Cemetery Etiquette

    I try to not disrespectfully walk across graves. We place flags on headstones for Memorial Day and put them in the ground in front of the headstone. Kinda gotta be standing there. But I’d bet they understand.
  11. edm1

    Ruger 57 for black bear defense?

    I’m glad to see that there are white black bears…. Read a biography of a mountain man and he kept talking about white bears in TX and NM and I couldn’t figure it out… I’ve done a bunch of backpacking in KY and NM over the years. Always with Boy Scouts and never had a gun. We have stumbled on...
  12. edm1

    The Bible Bob Wright and GP100

    You are absolutely correct. I must not have been clear. What I was trying to get across is that dogs , as far as I know, can’t accept Christ. So if they can’t and that is the only way, which it is, and dogs do go to heaven, which I am not implying, then we must assume, which is never good...
  13. edm1

    The Bible Bob Wright and GP100

    I loved my dogs. However when I get to be in the presence of my Lord, I can’t imagine that I will be thinking about my dog. I think lots of people want earth in heaven. What if your dog was nice to you and mean to everyone else? I mean can a dog accept salvation? I don’t know, which would...
  14. edm1

    Concerning clocks............

    I think it’s funny that people draw a digital clock. As I post this it is 1:28 EST. So I’m healthy..
  15. edm1

    Am I being paranoid?

    Your problem is Jackson MS. They are incompetent. My dad mailed me a birthday card that went through Jackson. Never arrived. 2 months later mailed another and it took a month. This year my MIL mailed my wife a bday card that took a month to get from Jackson to KY. Mine took 3 weeks.