Recent content by Joezilla

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  1. J

    Reacher (Alan Richson) poops the bed.....

    The first season was very watchable. The second season was very disjointed and not at all watchable. Joe
  2. J

    Turned 75 today

    I hit 70 last December so I am right behind you! Congrats on the three quarter century! Joe
  3. J

    Buying a gun at Cabelas / Bass Pro

    In years past, I have bought several guns from the Cabelas in Fort Worth. No problem in any aspect of the purchases. But, it has been ar least 10 years. Now most of my purchases are from Grab a gun or gun shows.
  4. J

    Weather check today.

    Waxahachie Texas is currently at 19 degrees with no snow, maybe a flurry or two. Wind chill is 6 degrees. I will not be venturing out today. Joe
  5. J

    A well spent 23 seconds...

    I LOVE this!! Joe
  6. J

    If you won the Powerball lottery?

    Pay off all my bills would be the first thing. Take care of family would be right up there too. I like the idea of a lawyer and financial guy. Joe
  7. J

    The search is finally over!

    I am loving that 9mm Ruger!! Congrats sir! Joe
  8. J

    27 degrees and snow

    Yep, Waxahachie is supposed to get to 38 overnight. I have put away my shorts and dragged out the jeans and flannel shirts now. Joe
  9. J

    PC Carbine w/o Takedown

    I am looking at the new Smith & Wesson Response. It is a non takedown PCC and it uses Glock mags. That is a big plus for me. I really liked the S&W FPC, but it does NOT use Glock mags so it is a non-starter. Joe
  10. J

    Some folks don't 'get it'

    I have changed my EDC to my Glock 19X, 17+1 with a 19 round backup mag is very comforting. I have also added a pouch of 6 17 round mags to each of my vehicles. I have not as of yet started carrying my AR-15 with me every time I leave the house………heavy emphasis on not yet.😳😁 Joe
  11. J

    When did you realize you were getting old?

    I was fine until a year and a half ago. I started to have various physical problems (heart, esophagus, kidneys) that have really slowed me down. It was like I just woke up one morning and I was OLD! Joe
  12. J

    I turn 70 this year..........

    I used to think 70 was really old. But now that I will be there this December, it is no longer really old. ha Joe
  13. J

    I turn 70 this year..........

    Hmmm..........I turn 70 in December. My Dad lived to be 96 and my Mom to 88. I figure I have got a few more years. I was never concerned about the future of the USA until Biden took hold. I am very concerned for my grand children. The Lord has got me and my wife so our future off this earth is...
  14. J

    Who remembers…

    CLinton 8-2170. Our town (Dayton, TX) was so small, we only used the last 5 numbers. So, until I went away to college, our number was 8-2170.
  15. J


    Here is our 9 month old schnauzer, Beau. He is a bundle of energy! Joe