I turn 70 this year..........

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Nov 2, 2005
Turned 76 this year. Fascinating times we live in. Transitioning to some red dots but still prefer iron sights. Cataracts may be an issue in a few years. My mother lived to 100, my father 76....
Enjoy spending time with the grandkids.
Trying to use up as much as my ammo as possible :)!


Jan 9, 2022
Garnett Valley, PA 19060
.........That will give all of you time to pass the hat around. Please
fill it with gold coins and Ruger revolvers.

Nah, kidding.

But the last couple of years of national chaos (as I get older) I have been finding myself thinking a bit differently.
I have been taking stock on what firearms are on hand. A little extra ammo? Spare parts? gun cleaning supplies? Extra good books. A little bottled water and canned food?
Nothing too extreme just a little here and there.

I never fell into the prepper survivalist SHTF mindset. But stray thoughts keep reminding me about this and that just in case.

Sometimes I am not happy to be thinking that way. But mostly I am damn happy and proud to live in a country where we CAN if we WANT to think that way.

I am not a wordsmith. Hope you understand where I am coming from.
@41Dude, I really understand your transition. I was there 10 years ago, Now at 81 I have undergone another transition. About 70 I began to thin out my gun cache. My range days decreased over time. The arthritis in my hands got prof=gressively worse. I stopped shooting anything over 9mm. At 80 all that was worse. Old age does not bring improved physical or mental ability.

Today, my EDC is a Ruger Security 380 Lite Rack. MY hands can't handle much more than that. However I still EDC my now only pistol and keep it on my night stand as I sleep. I am sworn to not go down without a fight. The Marine in me always recalls the words of a company commander in Nam when we very outgunned and outmanned ins a fight. He raised the prospect of tactical withdrawal (retreat).
He said: "It is OK if we retreat because we will come back as long as the enemy realizes they were in the worst fight of their lives." I kind of live with that sentiment in mind daily. It is simply better than just giving in to old age.

Maybe you have seek seen on the news that in PA there is an escaped convicted murderer on the loose. Well he is within 5 miles of me. He has been entering homes for food and clothes. Ther are 400 LEO's searching for him. This is an example of why I stay armed day and night. If encounter that fellow, he will either realize it was the worst fight of his life, to he'll be dead Keep on Truckin 41 DUDE.


Apr 14, 2022
Well, here's my tactic for what it's worth. I 'm 80 and have so many medical issues it is surprising I'm still here. Years ago I decided I don't like being out of things so I bought an extra small freezer and stocked up on a years worth of food and etc. It is amazing how many common items are now "out of stock" at the big stores on any given Tue. You can save quite a bit of money if you ONLY buy items that you will use anyway and that are on sale... get a years worth. I am alone now and live in the woods far enough no one can see me at the end of a dead end driveway so I get to say "who are you and what do you want" to unexpected visitors. I started to trim my herd but, then I realized I have most of them just because I liked them in the first place so I rotate thru handguns giving everyone a fair day in sun. I was going to sell some really nice long guns (like my HRA 1956 w/LMR bbl) since I can't get out to hunt or walk the woods anymore... but, given the current state of affairs it will make an excellent dooryard cleaner with a few clips of AP and/or Inc.

Enough said. Buy on sale.... have enough for a year. My trade goods are ammo, liquor and gasoline.
Apr 2, 2014
You guys are old!
Screw getting old!
I just turned 66, only real health issue is crappy coronary arteries, thank genetics for that. Over the last 10-12 or so years
I've ran full marathons, a couple of 50k, and the JFK 50 miler (it sucked every way possible). Still skate and play some hockey
with mostly other old guys but sometimes sub in with the young ones, 60 years of experience and being a sneaky bastard can make up
for some of the age, size, and strength discrepancies. I figure if I still get plenty of calls to sub I can't suck too much yet.
I know this sounds kind of "cheesy" but before a hard training workout, game, or race I look around and tell myself... "a day will come
when I can no longer do this... today is not that day."
Still working toward the full iron triathlon attempt, motivation is holding but aging body complains a bit. Legs are still there
but there's that pesky swim bit that a shoulder is grumping about. Not giving up yet.


Apr 14, 2022
You guys are old!
Screw getting old!
I just turned 66, only real health issue is crappy coronary arteries, thank genetics for that. Over the last 10-12 or so years
I've ran full marathons, a couple of 50k, and the JFK 50 miler (it sucked every way possible). Still skate and play some hockey
with mostly other old guys but sometimes sub in with the young ones, 60 years of experience and being a sneaky bastard can make up
for some of the age, size, and strength discrepancies. I figure if I still get plenty of calls to sub I can't suck too much yet.
I know this sounds kind of "cheesy" but before a hard training workout, game, or race I look around and tell myself... "a day will come
when I can no longer do this... today is not that day."
Still working toward the full iron triathlon attempt, motivation is holding but aging body complains a bit. Legs are still there
but there's that pesky swim bit that a shoulder is grumping about. Not giving up yet.
I built my house from scratch at 63. I always cut and put up my own wood and maintained everything myself. Two years ago I got hammered with 4 unexpected cancers and an a-fib heart. COPD was always in the background. I have had numerous wounds and injuries but, never a sick day in 78 years. I don't begrudge you your health but, watch out...it can happen fast.
Apr 2, 2014
I built my house from scratch at 63. I always cut and put up my own wood and maintained everything myself. Two years ago I got hammered with 4 unexpected cancers and an a-fib heart. COPD was always in the background. I have had numerous wounds and injuries but, never a sick day in 78 years. I don't begrudge you your health but, watch out...it can happen fast.
Oh I know it, one injury or illness can basically do it. Even if it doesn't kill you, what's left of life won't be the same.
I was fortunate the heart attack I had didn't kill me and only did in about 10-15 percent of the heart muscle.
I recognize and accept a day will come, but as I type this, like I posted above...today is probably not that day.


Nov 19, 2011
Hmmm..........I turn 70 in December. My Dad lived to be 96 and my Mom to 88. I figure I have got a few more years. I was never concerned about the future of the USA until Biden took hold. I am very concerned for my grand children. The Lord has got me and my wife so our future off this earth is secure......still there is the tribulation we are going through right now. I bought another gun a couple of months ago and I carry everyday. I am still the sheepdog of the family, at least until I can no longer do that duty.

Carry on friends!

Dec 24, 2014
I built my house from scratch at 63. I always cut and put up my own wood and maintained everything myself. Two years ago I got hammered with 4 unexpected cancers and an a-fib heart. COPD was always in the background. I have had numerous wounds and injuries but, never a sick day in 78 years. I don't begrudge you your health but, watch out...it can happen fast.
Yep Shamus. That's what happened to me. Getting "old" wasn't a process is was a series of "events/illness" over a very short period of time. I went from a 74 jock beating up other cyclist my son's age and younger-I was a racer back in the day-to barely getting around by age 75 :-( I'm slowly doing better. :) I envy those who go through the "process". But we can only play the cards we are dealt. We all have a "best buy" date and they are not the same. Now if I were King of the Universe, we would all be issued a dog at birth and the dog and you would share the same best buy date :)


Dec 7, 2008
Wesley Chapel, Florida
Well I had cataract surgery on both eyes but i noticed early this year things were getting a bit cloudy and all the headlights had spikes. Went to the VA for my annual eye inspection and he confirmed that the cataract lenses they had installed were a bit cloudy/milky on the back side and scheduled me for a laser polishing. Had it done this last Friday on the left eye (which was the worst)--- WOW !!! things are now bright and clear with the left eye and the right one has a bit of a cloud; it's scheduled shortly; Will STILL need glasses for reading, but that's been a lifetime anyway. Oh the joys of 82+.
Dec 24, 2014
Yep Shamus. That's what happened to me. Getting "old" wasn't a process is was a series of "events/illness" over a very short period of time. I went from a 74 jock beating up other cyclist my son's age and younger-I was a racer back in the day-to barely getting around by age 75 :-( I'm slowly doing better. :) I envy those who go through the "process". But we can only play the cards we are dealt. We all have a "best buy" date and they are not the same. Now if I were King of the Universe, we would all be issued a dog at birth and the dog and you would share the same best buy date :)

"I could have been a contender" :cool:


Jan 8, 2023
N Calif
As I tell my 10 year younger brother, 62 is not 72. As a life time contractor/carpenter, I can't imagine how many millions of hammer blows my left hand has taken. Can't hardly grip a screwdriver anymore. Good thing I shoot right handed. Headed to my first Appleseed next weekend. Press on with what you have.

Paul B

Dec 4, 1999
Tucson, AZ
Well, it seems I'm in good company. I turned 85 last month. it seems like the decade of the 2020s is trying to kill me off. A bad wreck in my truck on January 2, 2020 which fractured my sternum and bruised my heart pretty badly. I think that's what led to my heart attack in march of 2021. The colon cancer come 2022. Not sure what 2023 has in store for me but whatever it might be, I'm expecting it.
Funny thing is I've lived longer than any of my relatives, all my friends are dead and I'm still up and kicking. I never figured I'd live this long. I always thought some jealous husband would be the source of my demise. These days I count each new day a blessing.
Paul B.


Jan 9, 2014
.........That will give all of you time to pass the hat around. Please
fill it with gold coins and Ruger revolvers.

Nah, kidding.

But the last couple of years of national chaos (as I get older) I have been finding myself thinking a bit differently.
I have been taking stock on what firearms are on hand. A little extra ammo? Spare parts? gun cleaning supplies? Extra good books. A little bottled water and canned food?
Nothing too extreme just a little here and there.

I never fell into the prepper survivalist SHTF mindset. But stray thoughts keep reminding me about this and that just in case.

Sometimes I am not happy to be thinking that way. But mostly I am damn happy and proud to live in a country where we CAN if we WANT to think that way.

I am not a wordsmith. Hope you understand where I am coming from.
Me too - Send me the money or send checks made out to CASH (Citizens Against Stupid Humans)


Jan 9, 2014
Well, it seems I'm in good company. I turned 85 last month. it seems like the decade of the 2020s is trying to kill me off. A bad wreck in my truck on January 2, 2020 which fractured my sternum and bruised my heart pretty badly. I think that's what led to my heart attack in march of 2021. The colon cancer come 2022. Not sure what 2023 has in store for me but whatever it might be, I'm expecting it.
Funny thing is I've lived longer than any of my relatives, all my friends are dead and I'm still up and kicking. I never figured I'd live this long. I always thought some jealous husband would be the source of my demise. These days I count each new day a blessing.
Paul B.
Paul Keep up the good living you will be 99 yo soon!


Jan 9, 2014
Hmmm..........I turn 70 in December. My Dad lived to be 96 and my Mom to 88. I figure I have got a few more years. I was never concerned about the future of the USA until Biden took hold. I am very concerned for my grand children. The Lord has got me and my wife so our future off this earth is secure......still there is the tribulation we are going through right now. I bought another gun a couple of months ago and I carry everyday. I am still the sheepdog of the family, at least until I can no longer do that duty.

Carry on friends!

Carry on Joe, I am 70 also!


Sparks, NV
Mar 2, 2022
OP Come back when you turn 80, oh wait, I will be 90 then! Try to catch up! ;) :ROFLMAO::cool:


Dec 4, 2021
I see 70 in the rear view mirror, and it's getting smaller and smaller. I'll be 75 this coming March.