No more Boy Scouts

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Oct 24, 2007

They're changing more than just the name, they're changing the entire concept of the organization.

I. Just. Don't. Know.

It'll never be the same. 😞
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Jul 4, 2023
I was involved with my son and scouting since he was a Cub Scout and he and I are both disgusted at the turns of events that have taken place in the organization.

No way I'd send a child into that rat's nest today.


Jul 18, 2022
Long Island
They need to change the new patch they came up with already, take America off the damn thing. 😡


Apr 11, 2004
So they have officially changed their name to
Scouts America
What !!!!!!!!
Wow !!!!
What more can be said
How sad.
We are in a world of yugo in this country. When will it end ????????
I think our civilization needs another cleansing ?
Dec 2, 2017
I gotta admire anyone that had the drive to make it to Eagle Scout. That's playing for the long haul to get there. Good for you!
Yes, different game back then, and I don't like where it's heading now.


Ruger Guru
Sep 18, 2002
Lake Lure NC USA
I knew the name change was coming.

I spent 50 years in the very same Troop.

I own the Ruger 10/22 BSA 100th Anniv. Edition. The serial number is the same as my Troop.

I'm an Eagle Scout with (5) Eagle Palms.

I was a Brotherhood Order of the Arrow member.

And I did all this when it MEANT something.

Now,, I'm ashamed of what the BSA has become. It's a big part of the reason I retired from Scouting.


Nov 18, 2004
Yup.... I made it as far as Life before cars and girls distracted me too much for Eagle. That said, scouting, along with excellent parenting, put me on the path for a successful and rewarding life. I'm truly sad at what has become of a once great organization.
Dec 8, 2005
Lemont, PA, USA 16851
Tyrone, I was wondering what you would say as we've talked about this before.

Jeepnik - they have allowed girls to join for a few years now.

But I wonder if they really know what they are going to be called. I saw the report on the local news and they showed some clips. One they said (and showed) that the new name was going to be "Scouting America" and a bit later a clip that showing the name to be "Scouts of America" My grandson is working on his Eagle Scout and I hope he gets awarded it before they go downhill even more. I suspect my SIL (a Troop Leader) will probably get out of Scouting also once all the changes happen.


Sep 11, 2007
I wonder if they changed their rules for the camp fondlers...I mean counselors!
And for those with gender dysphoria, a mental condition. A condition that should also make them a prohibited possessor by admitting they're mentally defective. 🤔


May 8, 2023

End of an Era: Boy Scouts of America Officially Changes Name to Embrace Inclusivity After 114 Years

The "woke virus" continues to spread in America.

The Boy Scouts of America has announced a major rebranding as it transitions to "Scouting America," marking the first name change in its 114-year legacy.

The move is part of the organization's bid to distance itself from its troubled past marred by a torrent of sexual abuse claims and subsequent bankruptcy while simultaneously embracing "inclusivity."

The Gateway Pundit reported that the organization was nearly bankrupt after a series of woke decisions, including changing its policies to allow gay leaders and allowing girls to join. Those decisions had a major impact on the organization's bottom line.
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Ruger Guru
Sep 18, 2002
Lake Lure NC USA
Several years ago,,, the BSA sent out a survey to enrolled adults,, and members of the Eagle Scout Association. They had a survey for us to fill out. And as most survey's,, the wording could confuse many into checking a certain box vs what they truly THOUGHT they were commenting on.

Part of that survey was about allowing gays,, (leaders & boys) in as well as girls.

After that,, they made a decision to put forth to all BSA Councils,, for a vote on these potential changes at the National meeting.

Now,, many people do not realize the BSA structure. There are "Councils" for all areas of the USA & other countries. In my area,, the local Council is made up of a district of 17 counties within NC. And the more interesting part,, is that EVERY Council is actually an INDIVIDUAL business. They adhere to National standards,, (by agreements) but are actually independent businesses.

At the National meeting,, it was adopted to allow gay boys,, first,, and later on, girls, followed by gay leaders. They try & calm fears by having their "Youth Protection" program. All adults are required to take their Youth Protection course.
It's a JOKE!!!!! About 30 minutes,, doing an online "class" that's STUPIDLY easy to take.
One of the big things they have done for many years is require troops & such to always have "Two Deep Leadership" as well as never allowing any adult to be doing anything with any Scout alone in a one-on-one whatever.
But it's EASY to get around those things. And until a whistle blower comes along,, it can happen.

When the National made these changes,, there was a big segment of the BSA membership that made the announcement that as of a specific date,, (if my memory is correct, it was to be 1/1/2020,) they would be dropping all affiliation with the BSA on their religious beliefs. it was the Mormon Church. This all happened in about 2018.
By waiting until 2020,, it was to allow any boys currently in the BSA and wanting to work to get their Eagle,, the time to do so. Plus,, that would also give the Mormon Church time to develop their own Youth Program.

The Mormon Church membership was approximately 1/5th of all BSA membership.

Knowing that they would be losing a LOT of revenue when they left,, National made "changes" in 2019 to registration for adults, AND the "fees" required to be paid to be a member of the BSA.

As an adult,, they wanted me & all other adults to "re-register" AND sign a "personal information release" for them to have an outside company do a background check on all registered adults. Upon reading the release,, and how much privacy I would be signing away,, combined with the HUGE increase in all fees,, I made a very saddening decision. I chose to not renew my membership. As of October 2019,, I celebrated 50 continuous years as a member of my home Troop. So, after 50 years & 2 months,, I retired from the BSA on 12/31/2019.

My home troop,, was once the largest in the entire eastern USA. For a several years in the mid & late 1960's,, we had over 150 boys enrolled AND active in the Troop annually.
Now,, my home Troop has fewer than 15 boys. Before the "changes" we were in the ball park of 40 boys registered annually, AND a pretty good number of adults as volunteers.
The local Council used to make jokes about us. They'd say; "There's Daniel Boone Council, then there's that Troop 605 from Edneyville.
We had enough boys to where we held our own Troop Annual Camporee. And we'd have a LARGE group attend the district Camporee annually.

We,, along with so many other troops now struggle to even have anything. The BSA is a hollow shell of what it used to be.

But the biggest slap in the face was when, back in the 1980's,, the BSA was sued by a gay man, who'd earned his Eagle,, and wanted to be an adult leader. He was denied by the BSA. It went to the US Supreme Court. I even donated money to help fund the huge legal battle. The BSA won,, with the Supreme Court saying; "The BSA is a private organization, and can set membership criteria." And the powers in charge from about 2010 and since,, have done a complete reversal.

Now,, the BSA is gone.