Cats SUCK... Dogs RULE...Case CLOSED

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Jan 31, 2011
Jeepnik said:
stevemb said:
If Timmy would have had a cat, instead of Lassie, he'd be dead, twenty times over. Just sayin' !

Wrong, a cat would never have let Timmy fall in the well to begin with.

Yup. :wink:

Cat attacks dog to save kid.

Cat attacks babysitter to save kid. (mistakenly)

Cat attacks bear to protect family,


Aug 8, 2012
Those cats shown in the videos are very much the exceptions, not the rule. Ever see feline-9 units ? Bomb sniffing cats ? Seeing eye cats ? Cats herding anything but mice ? In addition to the 4 dogs I've had, we did have 2 cats over the yrs.. There are a bunch'a foofy little yappy dogs running around now, or being carried ! In which case, I'd rather have a cat.
Dec 16, 2005
On the beach and in the hills
stevemb said:
Those cats shown in the videos are very much the exceptions, not the rule. Ever see feline-9 units ? Bomb sniffing cats ? Seeing eye cats ? Cats herding anything but mice ? In addition to the 4 dogs I've had, we did have 2 cats over the yrs.. There are a bunch'a foofy little yappy dogs running around now, or being carried ! In which case, I'd rather have a cat.

All of the things you mention are learned behaviors. It's fairly easy to train an animal that isn't all that independent. You can train cats to do things. But the cat has to "want" to do the thing first.

Oh and to comment on the cat vs bear, I noticed it hauled off a plastic trash bag. The owner failed completely by leaving the trash where the bear could get to it. Living in bear country you'd think they would know better. Eventually the bear will harm someone all because a stupid human didn't use the sense God gave a flea.


Jun 13, 2015
Sheridan, WY
Dunno, the last time I had stir fry, I have to say I preferred the cat. Could just be the cook didn't know how to wok the dog...


Aug 8, 2012
Haven't seen a cat fetch a goose. Hold a hog. Tree a mtn lion. I've never seen cat agility test show on TV. Nor obediance shows, nor, well, by now anyone should get the idea. Big air cats ? Only for their benefit, not yours. Whats possible vs whats real on a daily basis.

Rick Courtright

Mar 10, 2002
Redlands CA USA
stevemb said:
Those cats shown in the videos are very much the exceptions, not the rule. Ever see feline-9 units ? Bomb sniffing cats ? Seeing eye cats ? Cats herding anything but mice ?


Sometimes we've gotta step out of our own shoes and try to look at life thru someone else's eyes. In this case, it would be the cats' point of view we should try to understand:

"Now please tell me why I should interrupt my nap to go do all that stupid stuff when there are dogs out there just drooling and jumping up and down to do it?" In a management class they'd probably call that delegation of responsibilities and jobs.

Yawn... back to nap.

Rick C


Aug 8, 2012
I'm with Rick, thanks for the post. Cats are very smart,but very self centered and selfish. Me first mentality, kinda, not going there right now.


Aug 8, 2012
Try putting a dozen cats in harness to pull a sled...I'd pay to see that'n. Mankind has bonded with dogs. Cats have accepted us as their worshippers. YMMV..or you may be goofy.


Aug 8, 2012
When the Dad-n-laws cat got too old to go on, he asked me to take it on it's last trip to the vet. I actually liked that cat, the shot didn't do it, had to knock on the door and get the vet back in and giver her another shot. Crap, that sucked. Yes, cried for that cat. Sometimes...well, sometimes...


Aug 8, 2012
About 5yrs ago, our first Lab was failing, as we had family in from several states. While the big bird was in the oven, KC, had a seizure that she didn't come out of. Nephew-n-law is a vet and lifelong bird hunter and came to our vet with me. They looked over the X-rays and scans. He turned to me and shook his head, left-right-left. I made the most terrrible decision of my life that day. Had to come home and tell wife that her best furry friend was gone. I hold all of my pets in my arms while they get that shot, and hold them until I'm sure they are gone. Then I cry like a baby. My Mother made the call to pull all the plugs on T-day, then decided she she would hang on one more day and not ruin our holiday. Can't say that she was successful.


Jan 31, 2011
stevemb said:
I'm with Rick, thanks for the post. Cats are very smart,but very self centered and selfish. Me first mentality, kinda, not going there right now.

The biggest difference between cats and dogs is that cats are still wild animals at heart, and individual hunters, while dogs are domesticated pack animals. If you leave a typical cat outside without feeding it, the cat will survive no problem. What you see as self centered is just them acting like they would in the wild - friends optional and on their own terms. By comparison dogs have been domesticated for so long now they see man as their pack, to the point that a typical dog will starve without humans to either feed it or to scavenge off of. They need companionship to survive.


Jan 25, 2012
Chicago Suburbs
Cats SUCK... Dogs RULE...Case CLOSED

is like saying...........

Squares SUCK.....Circles RULE......Case ClOSED

There is no case to close, no germane comparison to be made.

If you love dogs then simply say it. If you hate cats and feel the need to proclaim such then by all means, start a thread and do so. Having to hide behind a cat to state one's love for dogs is just silly. Besides, as cover is concerned, cats are woefully inadequate.



Feb 22, 2007
Round Rock, Texas


Mar 17, 2005
Philadelphia, PA, USA
Mine are very helpful:

Sarge helping me clean my carbine:

Daisy making sure I clean my AR556 correctly:

Sarge giving Pappy Reed's Marlin 1895 .45-90 a "cat-scan":

Though their "help" with my reloading may be debatable:

I grew up with a dog, in the woods where it could run free. But, now I live in a row home in Philly. I couldn't do that to a dog.



Jul 4, 2015
PNW native suffering in exile out in the Mojave De
RolandDeschain said:
stevemb said:
I'm with Rick, thanks for the post. Cats are very smart,but very self centered and selfish. Me first mentality, kinda, not going there right now.

The biggest difference between cats and dogs is that cats are still wild animals at heart, and individual hunters, while dogs are domesticated pack animals. If you leave a typical cat outside without feeding it, the cat will survive no problem. What you see as self centered is just them acting like they would in the wild - friends optional and on their own terms. By comparison dogs have been domesticated for so long now they see man as their pack, to the point that a typical dog will starve without humans to either feed it or to scavenge off of. They need companionship to survive.
Your lone dog may starve if he had to make it on his own, but if a pack of domestic dogs forms, you will see their "wild side" and would probably survive as well as a lone cat would.

A "lone wolf" is not the independent, self sufficient creature you may think it is, they often survive by scavenging off the scraps left by a pack they are shadowing. And lone wolves are not happy creatures, they will abandon their miserable, lonely life instantly if a pack accepts them, even though they are at the bottom of the totem pole. For if they cannot find a mate or acceptance into a pack, they often don't survive long.

It's just the different dynamics of their wild origins and how it came to benefit them in domestication. I have both dogs and cats, both have their roles to fulfill.


Ruger Guru
Sep 18, 2002
Lake Lure NC USA
I try to stay out of these "cat vs dog" type of discussions. Why? It's like trying to compare apples to watermelons.
Both are entirely different types of animals, just like snakes vs bears. (Or pick your favorite opposite types of critter.)

The ONLY thing they have in common is the fact that humans have mass domesticated & bred them. But, even in that, humans mess with breeds to where there are stronger & weaker breeds.

As Pierow says, if you like dogs, just say so or whatever.
It's simple.
Some people only like dogs.
Some people only like cats.
Many people like both.

We can try & argue the merits of one over the other as the "best" pet, but face it, there are other pets out there. Various birds, mammals, snakes etc. To each his own.

What I do see, as a person who has owned, or currently owns cats and or dogs, is you get out of them what you give to them. I personally have cats that are not aloof, or in any way like some of the negative things some have said. BUT,,, we spend a lot of time with our cats & love them. They have learned a lot of things, and they totally prefer our company all the time. I can be in the office, and 2-3 of them vie for baskets next to me. I can get up & leave them asleep in there, and every one of them will get up, follow me, and settle down wherever I go.

Dogs can & will do the same.

It's ALL in how you treat them & love on them.

PS; Now to answer something else. The many comments about how much work dogs do over cats. I agree, they can do many things cats can't or won't do. But, one other thing dogs do a lot more than cats do is attack & seriously injure people. Even to the point of killing people.
Just last evening, in Hendersonville NC, a 6 year old boy was attacked AND killed by a dog. Tonight, a family has lost a child, and are planning a funeral. I can't recall a house cat killing any kids.

So, please realize that cats & dogs are just DIFFERENT animals. PERIOD.
Dec 16, 2005
On the beach and in the hills
I'm sure someone can find a case where a house cat killed someone if they looked hard enough. But it would be very rare.

Feral cats on the other hand have attacked seriously injured and killed people. In these cases it wasn't a single cat, it was a pack. Feral animals whether dog, cat or albino boas can create havoc.


Ruger Guru
Sep 18, 2002
Lake Lure NC USA
If there have been cases of cats, feral or otherwise, attacking & killing I'd sure love to get the facts.

Sadly, we get way too many cases of dogs attacking people causing injury & death.

Update on the local case.
The 6 yr old boy went into the dog's pen to retrieve a toy. The dog was a recent adoption by the family. It had come from the local Humane Society that claims they didn't know the dog's history, (a stray,) & it had passed a 7 step assessment program for adoption. No charges to be filed upon anybody for anything.

I spoke with the local LEO's about this case, and I know the officer who was first on scene & what he did. He did the best he could, and it had a few challenges before he could get to the kid. But the kid was dead before he arrived.