Is this a real photo?

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Nov 5, 2007
Dallas, TX
Be careful what you see anymore. Is this photo real?


No, it isn't Here is another version of the same picture...


Here is the original...


Adobe Photoshop has added some new A.I. features into a Beta version of the software. I suppose technically they aren't even my photographs anymore either. It really makes me start to question pictures in magazines now.

It takes hardly any effort as well. The first picture with the pumpkins and the dog took about 10 minutes. And really, I didn't even need a starter photograph to cobble together the image.

Anyway, it's just a hobby of mine.


Ruger Guru
Sep 18, 2002
Lake Lure NC USA
Anymore,, I suspect a LOT of pictures everywhere. All too often,, with the tools available to folks who know how to use them,, a lot can be altered or manipulated.
The top picture was easy to see as worked over,, but the second one was very blatantly obvious.
The one with the beach was a much better job of alteration. But some things were just not quite right.
Nov 5, 2007
Dallas, TX
Agreed. The way it works is, you highlight the area you want to change, and then just type in what you want to add, such as "dog laying down." Then there are three choices of different dogs. Or "mountains in distance" etc.

With more time and effort the results could become more realistic.

And with this technology, combined with the fact it's harder to trust what we hear on the news, it's a little scary when you think about the possibilities.
Jan 2, 2005
Northern Illinois
We are long past the days when a photo, or even a video, can be presented as "proof" of anything. Pictures, videos, audio recordings and more can be faked to the point that it is impossible to verify as real anything that you have not witnessed yourself. And we all know how unreliable actual witnesses can be. The bottom line is that I think anyone can be framed for any crime should the experts, i.e. government agencies, choose to make you a target.

John in WYO

May 12, 2011
We are long past the days when a photo, or even a video, can be presented as "proof" of anything. Pictures, videos, audio recordings and more can be faked to the point that it is impossible to verify as real anything that you have not witnessed yourself. And we all know how unreliable actual witnesses can be. The bottom line is that I think anyone can be framed for any crime should the experts, i.e. government agencies, choose to make you a target.
Absolutely true.
I served as a Detective Sergeant, Homicide in the 1990s during my first career. We had photo negatives to back up our crime scene photos when we went to court.

I agree that as a juror, one should be aware that photo/video evidence can now be easily faked and requires sworn testimony to back it up.

Heck, I'd give the same press releases to radio, tv and newspaper reporters and the stuff that they broadcast included details that I hadn't included nor was aware of. Spice it up, boys.

As a result of that experience, to this day I view all reporting with skepticism. Wait until there's sworn testimony to learn the truth.

"Hands up! Don't shoot!" was a lie in Ferguson, MO.
THAT came out at trial, under oath from the guy who originally spread it.
He sure caused a storm in that community.