My hair is changing color.

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Dan in MI

Staff member
Aug 9, 2003
Davisburg, MI. USA
From brown to gray to gray-white soon to be white, BUT it's still there.

On my Mom's aide the men all lost their hair early. Dad had a full head of hair until he died. When I was about 30 my three older brothers were getting on me about something. At some point I said "yeah, at least I still hair!" To which they simultaneously said "just wait til you get older" I replied "let's see, you all started losing you hair in your early 20's. I'm in my 30's and nothing is gone. Apparently I have Dad's hair" followed with 🤣 They quit commenting on hair and still don't.


Sep 3, 2012
S.E. Wisconsin
Soon to be 74 in July. Funny thing was after my shower this morning and while combing my hair I could see a lot more scalp under the hair than I used to. Still have my same color just less of it. Odd thing is a bit over 10 years ago my nice brown mustache suddenly turned white. WTH??


Sparks, NV
Mar 2, 2022
Hair color: On your head? Mustache? Beard? Sticking out of your ears?...and the list goes on...
Before you go into DMV, try hair (food?) color like green or blue or red. That will give 'em something to think about! Which reminds me, anybody remember the movie "The Boy with the Green Hair?" Dean Stockwell was the boy.
Dec 16, 2005
On the beach and in the hills
Now most of the bald guys around here are old enough to remember when $5, maybe less, got you a haircut. Let me tell you, you are lucky to be bald. At 71 I still have a full head of pretty thick hair. Not much grey so I disprove the theory on kids, believe me.

But back to haircuts. To keep from looking shaggy I need s cut every two weeks. The current price is $25 and that's at a shop I've used since high school (I have gone through three barbers and working on the fourth). Add in the tip and I am spending anywhere from $70 to over $100 A month.

Oh and please don't ask what my wife spends on her hair. I wish she would go bald.
Jan 16, 2009
SE Michigan
I had the same experience as wolfsong when I first applied for my CPL. When the Sheriff's deputy fingerprinted me, she asked for the usual height, weight, eye color, hair color. I answered brown for hair color. She said grey. I said no, brown. She said grey. Guess who won.:rolleyes:
Mar 5, 2015
the Great State of Wide-open (WY)
Now most of the bald guys around here are old enough to remember when $5, maybe less, got you a haircut. Let me tell you, you are lucky to be bald. At 71 I still have a full head of pretty thick hair. Not much grey so I disprove the theory on kids, believe me.

But back to haircuts. To keep from looking shaggy I need s cut every two weeks. The current price is $25 and that's at a shop I've used since high school (I have gone through three barbers and working on the fourth). Add in the tip and I am spending anywhere from $70 to over $100 A month.

Oh and please don't ask what my wife spends on her hair. I wish she would go bald.

My wife is happy to cut my hair - she's used to clipping horses, so I'm just a small job by comparison. And easy, too: she just mows it all off, leaving about 1/8" behind, which is low maintenance & kind of makes the thin spots disappear!


Sparks, NV
Mar 2, 2022
Back in the 70's I bought a nice set of an electric shaving kit. Besides the shaver it had attachments so I could cut it any length I wanted. I am sure I have saved myself thousands of dollars over the years...
One time the attachment, for some reason was not on the shaver and I partly scalped myself. Couldn't get it even and had to call my wife from her work to come home for a "semi-emergency". She made it all even and I went into my work with an almost bald head. During my non working hours I usually wear a baseball cap, especially during winters, inside the house so I can turn down the furnace. Along with my latest bill, received notice gas price would be going down beginning April 1. I wondered if it was just another April Fool's Day joke, like the prices of everything else.


Sep 10, 2006
North Huntingdon Pa.
I had 2 mid 20s brothers working for me.
From what I heard the younger brother was a pretty good baseball player in our local newspaper league.
One day the younger one came in and took his cap off and asked how I liked his haircut.
There was none. Bald as an egg.
When I asked why he shaved his head, he said playing ball he'd get hot, sweat, dirt would stick to him, etc.
Later that day, after the younger one had left, the older one showed up, and asked how I liked his d*** h*** brothers hair. (his words)
I said it made sense playing ball and all.
The older one then said that's not why he did it.
He said he took his brother to "his" shop and said he'd tell his brother which girl to get to cut his hair, but no, his brother had to get the pretties girl with the biggest boobs to do his.
She chopped him up.
He went to his girlfriend who said she could fix it.
She screwed it up worse.
By that time all he could do was buzz it all off.


Dec 4, 2021
My wife used to cut my hair. She did a pretty fair job of it, but it took her forever. So I've been cutting my own hair for about 15 years now. If I don't like the haircut, I know who to complain to.

P.S. My hair is not gray. It's silver. ;)
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Jan 11, 2009
I started gray hair in the first grade, gray by 20, white by 40. Son keeps his shaved as grandma my side dad was bald, his birth mom's dad was bald and her mom's dad was bald. He also got the gray from my mom and me, he lost on the hair all the way around.


Jan 23, 2010
Got a nephew that's kind of a liberal, would always crack jokes about me being conservative until the day I hadn't seen him for a while and he shows up with his head starting to show up on top, some in the family go bald young, I told him he should've got taller hair because he was out growing it, didn't know he was sensitive about it but the conservative jokes stopped.

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