New from Colorado and Tennessee

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Jun 20, 2024
Western Slope and Eastern Tennessee
Well, that is interesting, I am originally from Colorado, and we are currently looking to relocate to eastern Tennessee. Two days ago, we had a real estate deal fall apart on a house in Greeneville due to defects discovered by the inspection.

My wife's godson in upstate NY is battling a glioblastoma and got into a nanoparticle trial in CT some months ago, maybe late last year, and has had some promising improvements. He's in his early 40s and hasn't been able to work for nearly a year, so they are struggling financially, but he has already lived beyond his initial expiration date and seems better every week.

Best of luck with your struggles and welcome to the forum.
We're right this minute in Baileyton, TN.. small world eh?
Oh, and be careful spelling Greeneville without the extra E. Some of these folks are sensitive about it. All in good fun 🤩

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