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Jan 5, 2011
Here in my major west coast city, the beggars have their regular spots on city streets and ask for money while you are stopped at a red light often with their dogs there as a way to get your attention and make you feel bad for them... I keep a bag of large dog biscuits within reach and when they see me offer them something they come running along with their dog---they are surprised (and disappointed) when I offer them two big biscuits (!), but the dogs know what to do and accept them happily... one particular Pitbull dog (I rescue Pits), knows my car and comes right up to the drivers window wagging his tail knowing he's gonna get a couple... Just doing my bit to make the world a better place...


Ruger Guru
Sep 18, 2002
Lake Lure NC USA
We recently had a news story of how a beggar was refused by his attempts to get money. The beggar grabbed a dirty needle off the ground, and stabbed a woman from behind. (And people wonder why we carry for protection.)

I was taught compassion by my Dad,, who had endured the Great Depression.

I was raised in a restaurant. We'd get the occasional drifter,, who'd come in, and ask if we had any work he could do IN EXCHANGE for his work. Dad would always find some odd chores or work they could do. If a person was industrious & worked hard & did a good job,, Dad would not only feed them a meal,, they'd get a few bucks for their next meal. Those that just barely worked,, would still get something to eat,, but not always any money.
Dad said; "A man who is hungry will be willing to work. A drunk will only want money." Dad knew what it was like to be hungry AND that no jobs were to be had to where he could get food. But he also understood how some people weren't interested in food or be willing to work for something.

Bob Wright

Jun 24, 2004
Memphis, TN USA
Someone recently (in Memphis) videowed a pandhandler "working" the exit ramps of the Interstate. Toward evening, a Cadillac Escapade (?) came to pick the person up.

Nita always cautioned me to never take out my billfold in front of panhandlers.

Bob Wright


Sparks, NV
Mar 2, 2022
There was one in Waco a number of years ago, she was pregnite, actually how she spelled it, for over 2 years, always showing and never delivered the baby!
Wendy, I almost could see the spelling NAZI's coming for you until you said that was how she spelled it. :ROFLMAO:


Staff member
Dec 30, 2008
I had a friend in Orlando. He told me about this guy who rakes in the $'s standing on a corner with a sign. The news interviewed him and he told them he makes $70k tax free per year. The odd thing is that he went out there looking like a regular guy, no tattered clothes--nothing.


Nov 29, 2022
Vancouver Washington
I was once stuck on the off ramp coming home from work. There was a good looking woman walking up and down the road asking for money. After awhile she walked down into to the food store parking lot and went up to a older Chevy Camero with multi colored sheetmetal on it. A biker looking dude got out of the car and took the money and the two of them went into the store.

Mar 29, 2017
They all have their props. I think I seen it all, wheelchairs, crutches, dirty clothes, children, dogs, pregnant women, signs, singing and dancing. Look close to where they are for a vehicle parked. I have seen nice motorhomes, BMWs and other vehicles nicer than mine that they get into when done for the day.
Until mid 1990s all that was illegal if next to or on a public street. When people called 911 and complained we contacted them. We were dispatched a times because they were fighting for a spot to stand and beg. There were piles of food given to them nearby rotting in bush. Many had warrants and went to jail for a day or two before showing back up.
They had interesting stories, some didn't care about a $75 ticket, since they made hundreds per day. Some banded together and took shifts at the same spot and would share/pool the groups money for drugs. Others lived nearby with parents or friends and put on dirty clothes to look needy. Bottom line nearly all are street people on drugs and use the money to continue a life they want. Give them a free home and most would destroy it.
Rarely a woman with children would really need help and didn't want to prostitute herself any longer, but still an addict and would ask for shelter and other help. Sometimes the children with the beggar woman had a pickup order by the state to take the children.
Vets, I don't have any idea how many really where. These beggars will say anything to get sympathy. They want to pull on your heart strings for a buck.
Remember the major cities all have outreach programs to help all those types. Many won't go or get help because they are living the life they want to. Drugs/alcohol and freedom to sleep where they want. The more they get, the more show up for drug money.


Jul 4, 2023
I go way back with panhandlers.

When I wore a younger man's clothes I worked in Manhattan Tuesday thru Saturday and getting off the train Saturday mornings often a street person (bum) would ask me if I could spare a quarter for a cup of coffee. I told him "I'll buy you breakfast at Chock Full O Nuts but won't give you money". The vast majority declined breakfast wanting money for a drink instead and walked away. The rare person who I did buy breakfast for had stories that would make some weep.

Nowadays if I get approached with the "gas money" thing I tell them I'll buy them a can of gas (I keep an empty 1 gal can in my truck) but will not give them money. I have yet to have one take the offer.

If I get the "will work for food" or "I'm STARVING, anything helps" sign at my window, I'll either tell them I'll go to a sub shop and get them a sub, or as has happened a few times in the past if I have food in the truck like burgers or pizza I'll offer them some. Only ONCE did a panhandler take the food.

WWJD? Prob the same things.
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Dec 25, 2007
There was a professional panhandler that came through the little village where I used to work about once every 12-15 months. He'd walk into town wearing grubby clothes and worn out shoes asking for money. One day, a resident noticed a newish Cadillac parked under a shade tree at the old 'ball diamond' out past the cemetery at the edge of town.. Sure enough, the panhandler got in and drove away. I (honorary village Constable) heard about it in short order and called the county Sheriff who caught up with the guy in the next small town. He was good and really brave but just got too comfortable hitting on the 'hayseeds' .

el caminero

Jun 25, 2023
West of the rockies
otr, somewheres in nebraskee, a shiney black-and-gold caddy escalade pulled up as i was topping off the pair of 150's and said he needed gas money. From a previous line of work, i identified the bigfella and lil girl as gypsy, before he even spoke. Tried to sell me whozits's superbowl ring, i said nobody at these pumps carries that kinda cash, aint it illegal to sell fake superbowl rings? He said not fake! These are real solid gold! And opened the box with the other 9. The street value alone of the goldplating and the big cz's on the lil girl about matched the paycheck i was driving for.

el caminero

Jun 25, 2023
West of the rockies
Some years back i almost ran over a gal on the offramp wearing a D.O.T. orange vest and a huge gold cross on big gold chain, waving a fireman's rubber welly at me to drop money into. there musta been half a dozen there, mobbing every car that was forced by the redlight to stop. Quickly found ourselves with a law saying dont leave your car, nor they from the kerb; its illegal, as is wearing a DOT vest for a non-DOT employee, or pretending you are collecting for the local FD.