Parents FINALLY held accountable.

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Aug 1, 2022
Communist Paradise of NY
Tyrone you have a better insight into this than a lot of people. Mental illness is not to be taken lightly and in some cases it can be devastating to many families just because they had a loved one become a victim to the actions of the person acting out.


Oct 15, 2023
I have mentioned before that I have rarely seen what happens to the parents of children who have access to firearms and bad things happen. I finally ran across one of these rare occurences in the news.

Yes, it would be nice if the families of cops who assault, shot, kill citizens were thrown in jail also.
In fact, the Middle Eastern practice of killing the entire extended family makes sense now.
Let us hope that entire neighborhoods would be wiped out for the bad behavior of one child.
"It takes a village", you know! Punish them all! (Yeah, that's the ticker)


Oct 15, 2023
There are many state laws that require adults to prevent unauthorized access to firearms by a minor. None that I'm aware of that require that for kitchen knives.

But there is a lot more evidence that the parents were lax about a lot of things with this kid.

And if a minor child breaks the law, then often the parents ARE legally responsible. Of course it depends upon which laws may be broken.
Legally Responsible?
First, it appears the difference between Civil and Criminal are lost on you.
Second, it appears that the way the law works is lost on you.
So, a child kills and the parents should be executed? That's not only barbaric but totally Leftist.


Jan 12, 2023
I and my brother were brought up in a church going, sit down to meals home. Both our parents worked. During WW II dad worked military construction (runways at Pac River then Barracks at Fort George G. Meade). Mom was credit manager for Montgomery Ward then went into insurance and became an agent. We were home most weekdays long before they arrived yet we didn't become the neighborhood rowdies. We were never a "Leave it to Beaver" family. Mom didn't also dress to the nines and wear pearls while cleaning the toilet. Somehow we both turned out OK. I, since I attended a Catholic Elementary and High school was the one most often seen wearing a tie. The School Sisters of Notre Dame and my brother never seemed to get along. He attended public school. I might add that guns were always readily available at home and neither of us took them without permission. We were taught gun safety early on.
June Cleaver didn't dress to the nines and wear pearls while cleaning the toilet. She dressed to the nines and wore pearls while telling Ward to clean the toilet.


Ruger Guru
Sep 18, 2002
Lake Lure NC USA
hike,, you missed the word; "often" in my legally responsible comment. I never said always. In NC,, when we purchase a firearm,, we are REQUIRED to sign a statement that says we understand it's illegal to allow a minor unauthorized access to a firearm. This put the legal responsibility upon us as well as the child if a criminal act is committed.
We do not have a similar legal requirement when it comes to knives or other dangerous objects.

And lest you think I'm "lost" as to the differences in Civil vs Criminal,, I can assure you,, I'm well versed in the differences. I have a long history of association with law enforcement, (good ways,, not as a criminal,) with LEO's in the family, and my wife used to work as a Paralegal in a lawyer's office. I can only relate to more direct knowledge of NC law,, vs other states. And the state where these parents were convicted may well have DIFFERENT laws that allowed them to be charged & later convicted of involuntary manslaughter.

And as far as I know,, nobody has charged them with any crime that has a penalty of death. Where your comment about executing the parents for the acts of their minor child comes from is a bit bewildering.

Again,, I do not know the laws where these parents were charged. I was not on the jury. I did not get the legal instructions given by the judge to the jury as to what or how they can decide the fate of the parents. I can only say that the legal system allowed the charges,, and these parents were convicted by a jury of their peers.

Now,, I've made my thoughts known and I appreciate Watertender's kind words about understanding the mental health angle. Having a beautiful granddaughter turn away from a loving family, only to involve herself in behavior that is and will be nothing but detrimental to her life is heartbreaking.

I'll no longer engage in any discussion about this subject,, way too volatile obviously.


Dec 7, 2008
Wesley Chapel, Florida
Legally Responsible?
First, it appears the difference between Civil and Criminal are lost on you.
Second, it appears that the way the law works is lost on you.
So, a child kills and the parents should be executed? That's not only barbaric but totally Leftist.
OBVIOUSLY you dont know Contender and have NOT A CLUE on the subject.


Jan 27, 2023
They deserved the prison time , I didn't follow this case much . .But after hearing the evidence of the young man's texts , the parents should have got the full 15 years 👍 They ignored his crying out for help ....... And the father is still is not accepting blame .....😐


Jul 4, 2023
When my son was young I had a hand safe cable locked to my bed which had a combination that would lock you out after three incorrect password entries thereafter requiring the key to open it. I told my son that if I ever found my safe was tampered with and I needed to use my key to open it I was going to beat the crap out of him and call DCS so they could take him away and find someone else to take care of him.

My safe was never touched :)

When I was a kid my dad kept his hunting rifles under his bed and gave me a similar warning to the one I gave my son except he added "after he beat the crap out of me AND if I survived" he'd call the child protective service.

I only touched his guns when we were target shooting or hunting.

Jack Ryan

Aug 21, 2012
These kids weren't raised by PARENTS. They were RAISED by the STATE. Their parents were delinquent and the state was, is, always will be "the state".


Jan 27, 2023
Legally Responsible?
First, it appears the difference between Civil and Criminal are lost on you.
Second, it appears that the way the law works is lost on you.
So, a child kills and the parents should be executed? That's not only barbaric but totally Leftist.
Read up on this tragedy , the kid showed all types of warning signs . He asked his dad to take him to see a doctor . The father have him some pills and told him to " man up " . If that is not negligence I don't know what is .
Jan 2, 2005
Northern Illinois
This case was pretty extreme, in both the negligence of the parents and the seriousness of the boy's actions. But in general I have a great deal of sympathy for the parents of delinquent children. My youngest son, whom we adopted when our four natural children were already of college age or older, had some real challenges in his high school years. He dropped out of school, got involved with drugs, and more than a bit involved in minor criminal activity. We tried everything we could from counseling, to expensive child psychiartry , to inpatient drug rehab, etc, etc. Nothing seem to have much impact on his self destructive and risky behavior. Fortunately he matured enough to get through this part of his life without endling up dead or in prison. He is now 30, married, an experienced welder supporting a family of three young boys. The lesson here is that even when the parents do what they can, it is no guarantee that the child will not become someone that inflicts great harm upon others and society. Sometimes there is just no good solution nor rationale for blaming the parents for the sins of the child.
Jan 26, 2009
Ragnarok Farm, Iowa
Quite the slippery slope. The parent's criminal conviction for the actions of another open up all kinds of things for more governmental tampering and mischief. The precedent set here lends itself to more laws requiring "safe storage", zero gun handling for minors, mandatory insurance requirements, guns that only fire for the owner (biometrics), and who knows what else.

In fact, charging the parents for the crimes of their child totally supports the concept of reparations - that someone can be charged for the crimes or sins of another.

The parents were bad parents. The kid was nuts. The system dropped the ball. Plenty of blame to go around.
But be careful what you wish for. This case is the poster child for red flag laws.
Jan 11, 2008
big lake alaska
Obviously you ^ feel that parents are not responsible for their children's behavior after it has been shown to be 'questionable'. They bought him a gun, they were aware that he had 'issues', and were also told by the school that he was acting irrational and still did nothing. Yes they ARE responsible.
he was 18yo. he puller the trigger. he responsible. with thinking like that, the baseball bat your grandparents bought you in 1972 is now hanging over your head when someone uses it to kill someone. finally, we are a country of individuals, with individual rights, with them rights comes individual responsibility. NOT someone else's. regardless of or is your family members
. Mr. DS


Staff member
Jan 16, 2008
On a related note ….. some months ago a SIX year old took mommy's gun to school and shot his teacher. I think the mom got a criminal charge of not having the gun secured,
Here's the charges for the former Vice Principal of the school.


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