Security Camera with internet connection

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Nov 15, 2005
Greenville, SC: USA
I know we've discussed this numerous times and I do know a little bit about it.... but I'm more versed in the multi camera wired systems.... like Zosi.
Wife and I have a friend who has put her demented sister in a nursing home and she is trying to figure out how to put a camera in the sisters room so she can check on her while out of town and such.
Actually I think the first problem she is going to have is getting permission from the nursing home but I have not idea about this.
I'm thinking she needs a single camera that can be plugged in, I don't trust batteries and then someway to connect it to the internet wirelessly. ..... I'm only familiar with cameras that connect to a DVR and then it is connected directly with an ethernet cable to an internet server.

Is there such a camera system out there?


Staff member
Dec 30, 2008
Yes, they have cameras like that. People find them hidden in B&B's all the time. I think it's safe to say that it would be a felony to do so and no jury would care why it was done if no abuse had been reported. The privacy issues-- holy smokes! Bed baths, bed pans, someone else gets the room etc. ad nauseum.

Your friend, the sister, is absolutely nuts!

And you're trying to help her--on the internet? Oh, the humanity... I'm short circuiting, fading fading... LOL

Edit to add: That's not checking on her, that's spying on her.
Nov 15, 2005
Greenville, SC: USA
This would be in the sister's private room at the nursing home and so I can't quite see the big privacy issue other than I'd bet dollars to donuts the home will say no. But I also would bet this is not the first time it has been proposed or done.

This is not spying on anyone other than the demented sister who our friend has alll the power of attorney things.... legal, financial, and medical. So, I'm not even close to discussing something illegal here, at least as far as I can see it. I've been an internet lawyer for a couple of decades... since Al Gore started this whole mess.

I bought one of those little spy cameras that you can hide somewhere... .the issue is I could never get it to work and the other was it still needed to be plugged in to actually work for any length of time. This sends a blue tooth signal to your phone.... and so is severely limited in the distance you can be from it.
Apr 21, 2009
western Ky
It IS spying- on the nursing home staff. Theoretically, you could claim about anything... physical or sexual abuse simply because they undress her, give her a sponge bath, basically anything, and claim the video as evidence. Ask the home if you can do it, and you won't even have to come on here to ask what camera to buy.


Apr 11, 2004
Take a look at the Wyze cameras. See if that will work for you. Sell them lots of places. Home Center, Walmart etc
May 29, 2011
My career was in the Electronic Security industry. All kinds of applications for commercial, Industrial and Private. There are many applications to use for this purpose to include many covert camera's. Some very simple devices. The world of wireless has improved tremendously over the years. However, I would suggest a start by reading the rules/bylaws of the facility and conferring with a attorney.
Personally I would simply trust the facility to take professional care of one of my loved one's personal care. You can stay in touch with a cell phone call.
Nov 15, 2005
Greenville, SC: USA
Just to get off the original question and discuss the legal issue on these cameras a bit... and I know we really don't know for sure. I installed cameras in my church... we do have a few little signs around that say there are cameras... but most folk who come in don't have a clue.... as some of you may recall I posted before about this project I did just over a year... at this point in time their are 54 cameras in and outside the building..... I put all the monitors in the Usher's room which few people go into and is locked most of the time but it is interesting when a member comes in and walks around the corner of the room and sees them... the look on their face is priceless.... I guess the difference in a legal sense maybe the expectation of privacy.

IMG_7397 (2).jpeg


Jun 12, 2022
My Mother is in a nursing home. My sister asked about putting a camera in her room , they said no problem , go right ahead. She wanted it because she is moving from Ohio to North Carolina soon and wants to be able to check on her anytime. Right now we just go visit her. She has been there 2 years now and doing great. They take good care of her. I don't see any need for a camera , but sis does.


Staff member
Jan 16, 2008
.... I guess the difference in a legal sense maybe the expectation of privacy.
Great work on the church thing Blume! Very nice and sorely needed I'm sure.
There's no expectation of privacy when we're in a public setting. In my mind the difference in the nursing home is HIPAA.
When I had a job, I was HIPAA certified and even taught many healthcare providers and there staff on the finer points of compliance and lawsuit avoidance.
For me …. Better safe than sorry to ask a lawyer.
This is NOT one of the cases where it's better to ask for forgiveness than permission.
May 29, 2011
Personally I would have a Professional install the Security. Be aware of Permits, State Laws and compliance, and law suites. Get the Proper equipment and monitoring. A professional company can tie in Fire alarms, and Burglar alarms into the entire system. There is a lot more to church Security than meets the eye (no pun intended). There are also Lease programs that make it affordable and can keep the system up to date and provide maintenance. They will also be utilizing commercial grade UL certified Monitoring and equipment.

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