Spare mag orientation

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Jan 20, 2022
Regarding the orientation of your spare mags... I actually have them facing opposite directions. I don't know why I do it I just do it and I've practiced over the years and that's just what works for me. I think you'll find that if you practice with whatever set up you want.. You do it enough and you're going to master it. I carry a 12 round mag of hollow points and the first one that I come to in my dual mag pouch is another mag full of hollow points and then the third one has full metal jacket rounds in it. My daughter asked me once.. Daddy why don't you have all three of them with hollow points?

"Because if somebody's in a car and they're shooting at you sweetheart, you want to be able to put the bullet through the door."
Mar 29, 2017
That has merit since you know which mag your removing by feel. For awhile I carried the forward mag facing forward the rear facing the opposite. Think about it, a well trained shooter holsters, unholsters be feel, removes the mags. by feel. I ended up just having both mags. in a rearward facing position in my case all ammo was the same. When I grabbed for the second mag. if my hand touched a unsnapped mag. pouch I knew to move my hand two the other. BTW, if your looking down to get your gun or gear, you need to practice until it's all by feel. The threat your dealing with deserves all of your undivided visual attention.


Nov 23, 2013
Monroe County, MS
Depends on what the individual is comfortable and reasonably proficient with. There is no one size fits all. Also may depend on the size of the magazine(s). For example, when I'm packing my 9e I carry 2 mags ( 17rounds each) horizontally in a fully enclosed pouch, simply because it rides better on my belt and doesn't print as much that way. With my P365, I carry 2 ten round mags vertically in an open top pouch for basically the same reason.
Oct 26, 2006
Woodbury, Tn
I was taught to keep your eye on the threat during a reload. Whether taught or just how I do it, my gun hand drops to my abdomen, while my left hand inserts new magazine, without looking. I am sorry, but I don't understand how having the bullets facing forward orients the magazine properly for a rapid reload. I have watched the videos, and it makes no sense to me. As someone else said, if it works for ya, carry on.
Mar 29, 2017
Which way they face may determine how and how much you twist your hand to line up the mag into the gun mag well. My post a few back needed edited. I position the mags on my belt facing rear not front.
Example: Me, I am left handed so gun is on left hip, mag's' on right front side of gun belt. As gamps said gun come back to abdomen to reload. (Newbies want to do all that at arms length, the hard slow way). My gun is titled on it's side with empty mag well facing right. When the replacement rearward and down facing mag is removed. It goes into the mag well without rolling or twisting the mag in my hand. It's already aligned. The gun can be titled back vertical to fire or fire at the gangster angle from the hip if needed.
For some keeping the gun vertical during the reload works, that's fine also. I found I am better/faster at getting the new mag into the open mag well if gun is on its side. Either will work.
Lets go back to why you bring the handgun to your abdomen. When adrenaline is flowing from fear or excitement your fine motor skills diminish. Reaching out to do anything can become a problem. Your eyes remain focused on the threat or target. It is easier and for most faster to bring the gun back to the body to reload. The exception might be a top pistol shooter who can grab a spare mag, inject the empty mag and reload at arms length. Faster and remain with sights lined up with a target that's not shooting back. That's not us common folk.
Nov 15, 2005
Greenville, SC: USA
If thats the way you want to do it, stay that way but what it really has to do is indexing the end of the magazine with your finger to make sure the top round is set right.... and doing this in the dead of night in the dark.