Top Three Reasons Not To Carry A Revolver...

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Snake Pleskin

Mar 26, 2022
Aiken, South Carolina
I am old fashion (73) and carried revolvers for years.. Love them, and they almost never ever jamb..simple..straight forward..and if you actually shoot it enough to be good with it, will do just fine !!
However, I have to confess that in the last few years I mostly carry a small compact .380 auto...fits into my pocket perfectly, has no hammer to catch on clothing or jacket pockets, and yes, with one extra mag. can be reloaded very quickly....
I also have a small .357 revolver that I carry in a shoulder holster...
Point of my post...
Can't really recommend one over the other...although I am not a fan of large mags. My personal opinion and training have taught me that if you have to fire, do it backing up and get the devil out of there......If it takes more than that amount of bullets, you are in deep trouble .. Of course... JMHO
I use the NY reload invented by jimmy Cirillo of NYC Stakeout fame. I also use the 649 in the pocket, no hammer problem but can still cock it if needed. I also tend to carry a "tuned" Glock 42 daily, with Hornady Ammo. It has a 1 round ext mag, giving me 7+1, Vickers Mag & extended slidestop/release. I forget I have it on most times it is so unobtrusive!


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Sep 17, 2013
Southern California
Just like real estate it's location, location location. My local carry is a 642 S&W (5 rounds 38+P). If I'm going to the big city it's my Glock 19 (9mm with grandfathered 15 round mag). If I need to go near the ghetto or LAs homeless encampments the Glock 30 (45 ACP) comes out with an extra mag for 21 total.

Snake Pleskin

Mar 26, 2022
Aiken, South Carolina
Just like real estate it's location, location location. My local carry is a 642 S&W (5 rounds 38+P). If I'm going to the big city it's my Glock 19 (9mm with grandfathered 15 round mag). If I need to go near the ghetto the Glock 30 (45 ACP) comes out with an extra mag for 21 total.
I agree, sometimes it is good to tailor the "carry" to the mission at hand!


Sep 13, 2013
A long way from heaven and far too close to Chicag
On my Dad's living room wall is an ancient revolver that his grandfather brought back from WWI. My Grandfather took it with him to England during the 2nd world war up until the day he was ordered to board a glider and was pulled to France. Unfortunately the glider "landed" in a marshy swamp and somehow the old man lost his rifle in the crash. Grandfather fought the Germans with that pistol for a night and half a day until he was able to get another rifle.

Now I have idea none what the experience of the OP's author has. All I know is that thanks a 45 revolver and funny looking "half moon" clips I had the opportunity to meet a very good man.


Sep 6, 2009
Cirillo didn't invent the New York Reload . it's a long standing tradition . But he definitely brought it to wide attention , and strongly advocated .

David Lee Valdina

Mar 2, 2008
Snow Bird, Florida & Massachusetts
I am seeing this thread for the first time. There are plenty of reasons to support either pistols or revolvers. What makes my decision is what can I carry every day without anyone knowing I am carrying. Florida 8 months and Cape Cod 4 months, always wearing short pants. I do not, nor will I, dress in a specific way just so I can conceal what I am carrying. That leaves me with a very small mouse gun in my pocket. The smallest of the pistols do not print as much as a revolver, so that is what I carry. I prefer a revolver but carry a very small .32 Kel-Tec or an almost as small .380, both with the long trigger pull so less likely to go bang in my pocket. I have carried pretty much my entire life, and at age 80 must report I have never had to use it. I like posts like this as it get me to think about what I do and why.


Jul 6, 2010
West (by GOD) Virginia
First, I am left handed which puts me at a disadvantage when reloading a wheelgun BUT I have practiced enough to be able to do it in 4 seconds. Ive worked with enough "professionals" to know that I can beat most of them, who are using semi autos, in a reload situation. Second, I have taken several CQB courses and used my S&W 627 instead of a semi auto and my hit ratio is higher with my revolver.

When our PD transitioned from 686's to Glock 21's more than half our officers could not qualify and required extensive re-training in order to pass.

I do realize the advantage of more ammo however, 99.9% of us are not going into combat with a foreign adversary. We need a few rounds, well placed. I dont care what you carry so long as you TRAIN WITH IT!!!!
Mar 5, 2015
the Great State of Wide-open (WY)
Although probably 50% of the posts I read in various gun forums are bunk, I have to say this article is one of the biggest loads of bunk I've seen yet.

Yeah, there are lots of 'expert' opinions out there. I spent years reading them, and if you read enough of 'em, you eventually realize that they tend to contradict each other. In fact, if you believe the 'experts', ALL guns are crap. Revolvers are crap as noted above; autos are crap because they're unreliable; Glocks are crap because they're not steel, and 1911's are crap because they are steel & weigh too much; Marlins are crap because they're not Winchesters, and vise versa; .32s are crap because they're less powerful than .380s, which are crap because they're less powerful than 9x19s, etc, etc, etc, until you discover that all of the big-bores are crap because they lack magazine capacity and recoil too much!

My advice to many gun owners - probably best to ignore all of the opinions, find something that suits you, and get good enough with it so it meets your needs!
Mar 14, 2017
Most of these articles are written for clickbait, instead of common sense. There are only a few "gun riters" left who actually speak the truth instead of trying to drum up attention. I can't even remember the last time I saw a gun test article that was not positive, and that makes me wonder.
Mar 29, 2017
I posted in this #53 in 2017. After reading through all the posts up to this point. My opinion is still the same. Just to add, in this forum most if not all are shooters with some experience. Some with only a gun or 2 and others with many. Some with real insight into the current CCW handguns available. For a new shooter, I would suggest the easiest gun to shoot and get into action for that person. All that depends on the person and how they want to carry. They need to have a variety to handle and test. For those who have chosen any gun and holster. Without practice you will be slow and likely fail if that day ever comes when you need to pull it to use without the your brain telling your body what to do.
Develop the fine motor skills that allow you to smoothly get the gun ready to fire without thinking, just acting. Most of that can be done at home with a empty firearm. If the gun and holster doesn't allow that with basic training, change it up, maybe the gun, the ammo, or the holster and ask for help. Like shoes not 1 size fits all nor will flip flops work when boots are needed. I agree about gun writers, you can pick out biases of the writer. A lot of it is WHO supplied the guns, ammo and gear or what the writer is most experienced with in his or hers past.
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Aug 2, 2012
Green Bay Wis
When we look at our threat risk in numbers or potentials, we all have to draw the line somewhere. What is the most likely bad thing to happen to me. Lets face it, its a rare thing to have to draw in the first place. Even rarer to have to fire a round. Needing more then 3-5 rounds? Exceedingly rare. And that is where I draw the line. Is there a possibility of being attacked by 6 rabid rabbits hell bent on chewing off my leg? Sure, but I am betting the averages are with me at that point. To me, the benefits (well documented in this thread) work for me.


Feb 26, 2011
Central Maine
I keep a revolver beside the bed, no 3am fumbling, it will get me to the 12ga. i carry a revolver because it is what I am most comfortable with. My wife and the 48 year old S&W mod 10 will ruin your day 6 times. because she is very comfortable with with it. I have several autos, but grew up with wheel guns. My point is use what you are comfortable and proficient with.