What goes around................

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Bob Wright

Jun 24, 2004
Memphis, TN USA
A couple of weeks ago I was going in a Home Depot for some items when I passed a man loading some home repair items kinto the bed of his pick up. One item yet to be loaded was a 4x8' panel of sheetrock. He was by himself and ther was no way he was going to get that panel loaded without harm. So, I offered to help him. And between the two of us we got it loaded into his trjuck without harm. He thanked me very graciously and we both went onour ways. I felt kind of good, being able to help my fellow man.

This morning I was at Home Depot and had bought three bags of hardwood mulch. They are heavy, but even worse, they are limp, like handling a man wh is dead drunk. I mean, there is no way to get a grip, and they sort of tend to flop around. But I had loaded two without aid, and was kind of getting my second wind, when a man said, "Here, let me give you a hand." And he effortlessly loaded the third bag for me.

You'll never convince me that it was not God's hand this morning.

Bob Wright
Aug 1, 2022
Communist Paradise of NY
Bob, it couldn't happen to a nicer guy! You put goodness out and it comes back. I believe in the 1440 minute rule. There are 1440 minutes in a day and every one is a chance to make a difference. Sometimes it's just exchanging pleasantries or other times it's to give help to someone. I talk with a lot of people and hopefully brighten their day.