Police shooting input...

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Jun 1, 2009
Lots of Monday morning quarterbacking going on in this thread from people who have never pinned on a badge and had to do the job. If the officers had not engaged the suspect, and the suspect had then killed an innocent citizen, those same people would be yelling the officers didn't do their job. And America wonders why nobody wants to go into the LE profession anymore..


Apr 10, 2005
I believe the leo could have handled it much much better before he stepped onto the porch. He also could have backed off the porch when he saw the man had a gun. Why would he just walk in front of a person knowing he had a gun? I believe the cop was looking to put a notch on his gun.
Cops have no duty to retreat. What they DO have though, are responsibilities that most other people will never understand.....As for your apparent concern that the suspect "had a gun", they both had a gun. One was just more willing than the other, that's all. And like I said earlier...somebody points a gun at me in that sort of a circumstance, their gonna get shot too. A lot.

So no, you are wrong. That cop in the video did fine. And I'll say one more thing about that....Better one cop like him show up to stop a dangerous situation than a whole herd of cowards like showed up down in Texas awhile back and did nothing but stand around while listening to them school kids being gunned down....Point there is, ya can't have it both ways.



Jun 20, 2024
Western Slope and Eastern Tennessee
Great point DGW… remember how everyone in the media labeled those cops as worthless cowards (rightly so in my opinion.) immediately… it seems that as far as the media is concerned, police are either cowards hiding behind a badge or thrill seeking killers hiding behind a badge. It's disgusting how seldom they rightly identify the real evildoers… pick up a gun and threaten people and you have taken the first step towards forfeiting your life.
Mar 29, 2017
Every police shooting I have read detailed reports always has room for improvement. My use of force incidents always had some things that could be improved before the next time. After all we are human, we will make mistakes. We hope those mistakes are not big ones that cause undo harm to oneself or others.
Some people just hate the police no matter what. Many others don't know good police work when they see it.
I took an oath to not shirk by duty, not be a coward etc etc.
Police don't have the luxury of backing down. Yeah, some do and should be fired. Basically, that means don't give up ground you took. Common language used is we need to run to trouble when others will run away. Why? no one else will in most cases. We shouldn't run to our deaths. What's that mean, use caution and sound tactics even when facing a deadly encounter. Adapt and overcome.
To those who hate the police, if you get your way, it will be the military patrolling the streets. Yeah that work out, right. (not)


Mar 11, 2010
Shackle Island,Tennessee
This wonderful example of a fine upstanding victim in the ignorant peoples eyes was rightfully ventilated by the LEO. Excessive shots fired? No way.

This wonderful citizen was walking up and down the street waving the gun at people and walking onto various properties shouting threats. Several 911 calls were made and PD responded timely to track him down.

The training I have been through falls inline with this standard. That LEO was calm and focused. You can bet the farm his attention was on the muzzle movement of that wonderful person's weapon while his mind was on that perfectly wonderful person's ill intentions.

He, and all Police will now be demonized by online media and many others, including some on this forum (see post #4 from above). Meanwhile, the upstanding "victim" will have a shrine built in his honor.

As for back story.....if you are able to get on this forum you have the ability to search many engines and can do all the homework you want and come to your own conclusion from your own source.
I'm the proud owner of post #4. All I did was comment on the 16 sec. video. The back story had nothing to do with my response.The video showed a man on his porch being killed by a cop.
Apr 9, 2006
like i said in my reply. my comments where based on watching and listening to the video several times and only on that information,

most of you bring up that the guy raised his gun at the cop , the dead man only raised his gun after or as the cop is yelling Hands Up for the first time which happened at the 7 second mark in the video and the cop starts shooting as soon as ( he the cop yells) hands up a 2nd time , which was only 1 second later and all the shots are fired by the 11 second mark ,,

the cop is actually yelling hands up as he's shooting the guy , the cop never yells drop the gun or get down or anything else along those lines

so you guys think that a 1 second to 1 1/2 second time frame is long enough to realize what the cop is saying and react to it ?


Jul 29, 2023
Gettysburg PA Area
I'm the proud owner of post #4. All I did was comment on the 16 sec. video. The back story had nothing to do with my response.The video showed a man on his porch being killed by a cop.
Which included your mindset and projection of all LEOs from a 16 sec video...thanks for substantiating that. Really wasn't needed though. But hey its America and you are entitled to your way of thinking.


Jul 29, 2023
Gettysburg PA Area
The really sad thing to me is that is is seemingly against the law to interfere with criminal activity.

Bob Wright
The saddest thing to me is that some folks are so quick to blame the LEO and then broad brush all LEOs when they see something like this without doing due diligence to research a bit.....very sad indeed...but it shows that even on a firearms forum not all are "like minded"....very sad/scary indeed.


Dec 2, 2021
And maybe not the police depts first contact with the dearly departed …..
Definitely not. The departed had quite a lengthy rap sheet, and was 2 weeks out of jail for domestic abuse. He was also in illegal possession of the firearm that he was clearly in the process of pointing towards the officer.