Bummer: Kinky Friedman, RIP.

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Nov 15, 2005
Greenville, SC: USA
Damn, he's another one of the few I would have loved to meet and shake his hand.
Read a number of this mystery / detective novels.....
And on top of that he was a fellow cigar smoker.... I hope him and Mark Twain are sitting on the porch smoking and drinking right now.


Apr 10, 2005
Yeah, he was quite a character....One of the things I liked best about him was that he didn't have any filters.

May 28, 2017
Nut Bush City Limits
Kinky Friedman and The Texas Jewboys were not played much on broadcast radio natsubscribe. I subscribe to satellite radio and he can be found on there from time to time.

Kinky made numerous appearances on Bill O'Reilly's show.

Nov 15, 2005
Greenville, SC: USA
Even though I consider him one of may heroes I really did not follow or keep up with him over the years....
I only had one of his albums and the songs on it were just way too funny... things like:
"old Ben Lucas had a lot of mucus running right out of his nose"
and one of the best ones was about that guy who killed a lot of people from the tower in Texas.
"there was a rumor about a tumor buried deep in his brain"

but the best one he later caused a riot at one of his concerts up in some liberal college in the North East.
seems there were a group of feminist that started it when him and the Texas Jew boys started:
"Get your buns in the kitchen and your biscuits in the oven"
May 10, 2022
Peters Colony, Republica de Tejas
Blume, the Kinky Friedman song titles you're referring to are, "Get your biscuits in the oven and your buns in the bed." And "The Ballad of Charles Joseph Whitman" (who was the Florida-native former-Marine UT library tower sniper). In 1970s Austin, Texas, Kinky was the musical equivalent of newly-emerging stand-up comedian George Carlin - crude and anti-establishment.

Kinky and fellow Austinite (former Austin mayor) Jeffrey Friedman are often mistakenly assumed to be related.

Jeff Friedman (b. 1945) was mayor of Austin in the late 1970s, and before that worked in the Peace Corps in Borneo. A "zero population growth" liberal, self-described "Hippie Mayor" Jeff placed a moratorium on Austin's new road construction while at the same time allowing the city's residential and commercial developers to build, build, build. What could go wrong with such a formula? You guessed it...Austin's already-bad traffic problems exploded and never recovered.

Chicao-born Kinky Friedman (b. 1944) routinely campaigned for New York-born Jeff Friedman, causing many to conclude the two of them were related. While they weren't, their backgrounds were remarkably similar. Both had Jewish-immigrant parents (Kinky's from Russia, Jeff's from Eastern Europe) and both moved to Texas in the 1960s. And both openly professed "far-left" political beliefs, with both being ardent supporters of the SDS (Students for a Democratic Society) and one of its leaders, then-student body president Lloyd Doggett (now a US congressman representing Austin).

Full disclosure: I attended UT-Austin in the 1960s (EE major) and again in the 1970s after military service (BBA-Accounting). Thereafter, for the next 15 years my audit clients included residential and commercial real estate developers who operated in and around Austin. So my knowledge of Jeff Friedman's oxymoronic politics, and Kinky's strong support for Jeff, is based on first-hand experience.

Jeff was to politics as his brother Kinky was to entertainment. Never serious.