More Gen Z Slang

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May 8, 2023
And this ^ BS came from where? Generation after generation have use 'code' or 'phrases' to mean different things. Like 'like', 'cool', 'groovy', 'hip', 'snarky', 'square', and I could go on. I seriously doubt that it is anything Marxist involved
OK, I'll spell it out for you. 100 years ago, a man's sons followed in their fathers footsteps, or at least were subject to their fathers influence in a way that greatly exceeds how fathers can influence their sons today.
As Marxists increased their power and influence with the printing presses, radio stations, teevee and now internet, our culture has changed for the worse. First feminism, then race-mixing, then homosexuality and now transgender.
You may think all this happened by accident, that it was just a normal chain of events. I say that "the end result reveals the original intention".
Case in point: The hippie drug movement of the 60's. This was the first really major counter-culture. It was instrumental in popularizing many of the Marxist agendas that we have today.
Mass media, Hollywood and academia took us from square dancing to rap music degeneracy in less than a century.


Mar 19, 2011
OK, I'll spell it out for you. 100 years ago, a man's sons followed in their fathers footsteps, or at least were subject to their fathers influence in a way that greatly exceeds how fathers can influence their sons today.
As Marxists increased their power and influence with the printing presses, radio stations, teevee and now internet, our culture has changed for the worse. First feminism, then race-mixing, then homosexuality and now transgender.
You may think all this happened by accident, that it was just a normal chain of events. I say that "the end result reveals the original intention".
Case in point: The hippie drug movement of the 60's. This was the first really major counter-culture. It was instrumental in popularizing many of the Marxist agendas that we have today.
Mass media, Hollywood and academia took us from square dancing to rap music degeneracy in less than a century.
I was in college when the hippie movement came about. I still followed Dad.

My sons were in the Millenial degenerate era and they also turned out OK.

I agree that social media and hollywood are causes of our downfall, but academia is the biggest threat of all. BUTTTT, the ROOT cause starts in Washington. If you can turn our youth into morons and give them enough freebees, you can steer their vote and thus be in power forever.

Nevertheless, 100 years ago kids had a father that could be looked up to, and a family that steered them. Not so today. So maybe the real root cause is the breakdown of the family.

No worries, though. When we fully become a third world country our speech will be regulated.
Oct 20, 2022
Well, reading this thread confirms it. I'm a grumpy, not so old fart. There's so many slang expressions that I don't care to even acknowledge them. When I grew up, there was always that one word that had a gazillion meanings. S**t. And it was useful in a gazillion situations. However, as I've aged I refrain from using words like that…


May 8, 2023
I was in college when the hippie movement came about. I still followed Dad.

My sons were in the Millenial degenerate era and they also turned out OK.

I agree that social media and hollywood are causes of our downfall, but academia is the biggest threat of all. BUTTTT, the ROOT cause starts in Washington. If you can turn our youth into morons and give them enough freebees, you can steer their vote and thus be in power forever.

Nevertheless, 100 years ago kids had a father that could be looked up to, and a family that steered them. Not so today. So maybe the real root cause is the breakdown of the family.

No worries, though. When we fully become a third world country our speech will be regulated.
Yes it's incremental and yes Washington DC has promoted Marxism. But if you think that the power of politicians trumps the power of information control, think about this;
Let's say you are a politician in Washington DC. You strove to that position because you value social position above everything. Who are your supervisors? Do you think the American public is your supervisor? They hear practically nothing about you that isn't filtered through the hands of the information controllers. If you have a weakness of any kind, be it sex, greed, past history, gambling you name it, they will find it and when they do they own you. And even if you have no such weakness, they will praise politicians you run against and declare them front runners and ridicule everything you say. They have the power of suggestion, the power of scrutiny, the power of omission, the power of censorship and the power of smear. It may not give them 100% control, but they have everything slanted in their favor 24 hours a day 365 days a year.
So who really supervises politicians? Who controls America?
Jun 16, 2024
Atlanta, GA
Very little 'slang' when I was growing up. Dad was a firm believer is using correct language. Unfortunately, by the time I was 14-15 cussing had become a problem and I caught many blindside wallops for using profanity.
Chuckling here. I never forget. Picking elderberry and swatted a mosquitos calling it a "choice" word. As fast as that word came out of my mouth. My mom never missed with a swift backhand, nailed the source of the sound!!!. I never cussed in front of my mom ever again.


Sep 8, 2010
Yes it's incremental and yes Washington DC has promoted Marxism. But if you think that the power of politicians trumps the power of information control, think about this;
Let's say you are a politician in Washington DC. You strove to that position because you value social position above everything. Who are your supervisors? Do you think the American public is your supervisor? They hear practically nothing about you that isn't filtered through the hands of the information controllers. If you have a weakness of any kind, be it sex, greed, past history, gambling you name it, they will find it and when they do they own you. And even if you have no such weakness, they will praise politicians you run against and declare them front runners and ridicule everything you say. They have the power of suggestion, the power of scrutiny, the power of omission, the power of censorship and the power of smear. It may not give them 100% control, but they have everything slanted in their favor 24 hours a day 365 days a year.
So who really supervises politicians? Who controls America?
Chill dude, yer killin the vibes.


Mar 19, 2011
Seriously, you need to loosen your hat band or remove your tin foil hat. It Is much too tight. Everything in life is not a Marxist or government plot to control something or someone.
I agree...loosen the hatband. Tin foil hats need to be eliminated completely. Follow the serenity prayer......accept the things we cannot change.

However, EVERYTHING is a govmt plot. It's all about control.

Nevertheless, there is nothing we can do about it. It has gone too far.

Read Revelations. We are there now.


May 8, 2023
And exactly what Government branch decided what you had for breakfast, what shirt you wore today, what your favorite fruit is, your favorite coffee brand, sausage or bacon? Think of just how silly your statement is.
All or nothing absolutism is silly.

Bob Wright

Jun 24, 2004
Memphis, TN USA
And exactly what Government branch decided what you had for breakfast, what shirt you wore today, what your favorite fruit is, your favorite coffee brand, sausage or bacon? Think of just how silly your statement is.
Well, one branch of the US Government did tell me what shirt to wear that day, and what I would have for breakfast. It was called the US Army.

And, you know?, I'm mighty glad of that experience.

Bob Wright


Mar 19, 2011
And exactly what Government branch decided what you had for breakfast, what shirt you wore today, what your favorite fruit is, your favorite coffee brand, sausage or bacon? Think of just how silly your statement is.
I'm dumbfounded by the comments and this have had a problem how to respond. Discussing a shirt is what I find to be silly.

Anyone that isn't aware of the atrocities happening around us is either oblivious to it all or is part of the establishment.

I would think that anyone frequenting this site is a "gun person". That said, WE are more aware than most about the increasing control and loss of our rights.

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