Police dog dead under questionable circumstances

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Jul 29, 2023
Gettysburg PA Area
I ALWAYS park in the shade, windows partially down and a full bowl of water for my canine companion; I walk a LONG WAY in the heat to get into the store and do my shopping.
In certain states even taking those precautions is illegal. My Wife is a retired Animal Control/Cruelty Investigator (was Sheriffs Deputy prior to that).
When responding to a "animal in car" call, which was often, they broke the windows out, confiscated the animal, and the owner was charged with cruelty.

One night when she came home, she lost her emotions which she always left at work. She responded to a shopping center where a dog was reported in a car. When she found the car, the dog was laying down on seat, breathing barely, and did not respond. She broke the window and removed the dog. It expired within minutes. The owner arrived extremely irate that the window of their vehicle window was broken and that they left the windows cracked and were only gone a few minutes. During her career she did this countless times. This one just got to her. Maybe because that pup was the spitting image of our own Pit.

People don't realize how quick it can happen to animals and kids left in a vehicle.


Feb 22, 2007
Round Rock, Texas
My wife's nephew, a former Marine, is a longtime K-9 cop in the Dallas area.
Am sure he'd like a private "word" with that culpable handler.


Jun 20, 2024
Western Slope and Eastern Tennessee
In certain states even taking those precautions is illegal. My Wife is a retired Animal Control/Cruelty Investigator (was Sheriffs Deputy prior to that).
When responding to a "animal in car" call, which was often, they broke the windows out, confiscated the animal, and the owner was charged with cruelty.

One night when she came home, she lost her emotions which she always left at work. She responded to a shopping center where a dog was reported in a car. When she found the car, the dog was laying down on seat, breathing barely, and did not respond. She broke the window and removed the dog. It expired within minutes. The owner arrived extremely irate that the window of their vehicle window was broken and that they left the windows cracked and were only gone a few minutes. During her career she did this countless times. This one just got to her. Maybe because that pup was the spitting image of our own Pit.

People don't realize how quick it can happen to animals and kids left in a vehicle.
WRT kids or animals left in the vehicle, I heard a news story about this in which they suggested that parents leave something of value in the backseat as a reminder that the child is in the car seat…

"Something of value…" their Iphone perhaps?

Don Lovel

Nov 10, 2003
Red Dirt Oklahoma, Go Cowboys
I got hassled by animal control for having Gus in the pickup at Aldi last week. Here in Stillwater Ok 79deg and above you cant leave your dog in a vehicle. It was 87 at 9:45 am. Tinted windows, wind blowing good through the cab and I was in the store for 9 minutes because I was keeping track to not leave him more than 15 min.
I told the officer, ok from now on I will put his tactical workin dog harness on and he can walk the grocery aisles with me like he does the farm & ranch store and when Karen complains about a dog in the grocery you get to back me up because I am disabled and he is working keeping me safe. I showed her he had a water bowl in the cab and was very happy.
Officer said "technically that is legit" and left.
Jan 26, 2009
Ragnarok Farm, Iowa
I ALWAYS park in the shade, windows partially down and a full bowl of water for my canine companion; I walk a LONG WAY in the heat to get into the store and do my shopping.
Good precautions, but what's even better is to get a dog "seat belt", which is essentially a heavy duty bungee with a snap going to the dog's collar or harness, and the other end fastens into the seatbelt clasp. That way windows can be left rolled down much farther without fear of the dog jumping out. Best yet, if you have a sunroof open it all the way. It prevents heat buildup due to convection. All the heat goes up and out, leaving the car very close to the outside temperature.

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