Some folks don't 'get it'

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Dec 25, 2007
I attended an agency training session earlier this week. This first evening was basically a BS session of our work group members(we only meet in a group 3-4 times per year) where everyone catches up on what's going on. Of course, the discussion turned to the Hamas/Israeli situation and homeland security issues. I asked the question: "So, how many of you upped your basic ammo load-out before traveling this far from home into an 'urban environment' where Middle Eastern type folks are prevalent?" Blank stares all the way around. HUH? What?
One guy blurted out I always carry a spare 'clip' to which I responded "So, how many rounds are in a Hi-Point 'clip'?" Before he could stop, he said "15 shells". :LOL:
One of the guys who knows me a bit better asked what I was hauling and I went down the list(another extra mag and 50 boxed rounds for the handgun and 3 loaded 30 round mags plus 100 rounds for the 300AAC PDW were at the top of the list). His response "Well that should do it, I want to follow you home if things go badly".
So, nothing happened which is good. The point is: Common sense should be telling Americans that something similar to the Hamas attack can happen anywhere in the US at any moment. The thousands of unknown origin border invaders may be organizing a similar attack RIGHT NOW.
Our 'government' can't protect US. We have to be ready and able to defend ourselves for at least the short term. If the horrific results shown in Israel aren't enough, I don't know what it takes to awaken the namby pamby folks in this country to the possibilities.

ohio bowhunter

Jul 23, 2008
NW Ohio
I attended an agency training session earlier this week. This first evening was basically a BS session of our work group members(we only meet in a group 3-4 times per year) where everyone catches up on what's going on. Of course, the discussion turned to the Hamas/Israeli situation and homeland security issues. I asked the question: "So, how many of you upped your basic ammo load-out before traveling this far from home into an 'urban environment' where Middle Eastern type folks are prevalent?" Blank stares all the way around. HUH? What?
One guy blurted out I always carry a spare 'clip' to which I responded "So, how many rounds are in a Hi-Point 'clip'?" Before he could stop, he said "15 shells". :LOL:
One of the guys who knows me a bit better asked what I was hauling and I went down the list(another extra mag and 50 boxed rounds for the handgun and 3 loaded 30 round mags plus 100 rounds for the 300AAC PDW were at the top of the list). His response "Well that should do it, I want to follow you home if things go badly".
So, nothing happened which is good. The point is: Common sense should be telling Americans that something similar to the Hamas attack can happen anywhere in the US at any moment. The thousands of unknown origin border invaders may be organizing a similar attack RIGHT NOW.
Our 'government' can't protect US. We have to be ready and able to defend ourselves for at least the short term. If the horrific results shown in Israel aren't enough, I don't know what it takes to awaken the namby pamby folks in this country to the possibilities.
Yea, we know.
You're gods great gift to urban preparedness.
And put down people not as wise as you. :rolleyes:


Jun 15, 2023
I attended an agency training session earlier this week. This first evening was basically a BS session of our work group members(we only meet in a group 3-4 times per year) where everyone catches up on what's going on. Of course, the discussion turned to the Hamas/Israeli situation and homeland security issues.
I know you were jumped on. Let me ask the question; What 'agency' are you with? Reason I ask is because you and your group could be at greater risk than the ordinary citizen in Missouri (I was with the USAF in Missouri for several years).
I would not worry if I were a civilian living in Knob Noster, MO but if in St Louis or Kansas City and working for a Homeland Security agency I would be concerned.


Nov 23, 2013
Monroe County, MS
Y'all may enjoy (or not) this piece from Handwaving Freakoutery :)

Full article and the best part at the link:

You have a right to be outraged about Hamas raping and murdering thousands of Israeli civilians this week, to include raping concert goers and beheading babies. You have a right to be outraged about Israel bombing Palestinian civilians, including children, over many decades. You have a right to be outraged about illegal settlements and terrorism and assassinations and beheadings. You are free to weigh each on a Scale of Suck and use either the numbers or the horrors to put your finger on the scale to pick a side in Israel/Palestine. I don't dissuade you from doing this. I may even be doing the same thing privately.

This is not an equivalency article. This is not an article about choosing the more moral side in a war. Unlike everything else you've read in the past week, this article is going to lose its publication subscribers, so writing it will cost me money. I'm going to write it anyway, because what's going on right now in the media, and on the ground, is perfectly explained by prior HWFO material and therefore too perfect an opportunity to pass up to make sense of things like rape, baby killing, etcetera, which seem nonsensical.

To make sense of any of this, you must first take the time to realize that your sensemaking apparatus has been compromised, as has that of everyone with whom you disagree on this topic. Next, you must pause your rage long enough to realize that all this behavior on both sides is rational to them, when you look more narrowly at who the sides actually are. To do these two things, I ask you not to start from a position of moral equivalency at all, but rather to set the morality aside long enough to think about media mechanics and game theory, after which time please feel free to pick your morality arguments back up and use them as you wish.

By the time we're done, we shall see that not even divine intervention could end this conflict, because the conflict flows from mathematics and systems theory. Further, this would be true whether I was on one side of the conflict, or the other, or neither.
Let's begin.
Dec 25, 2007
I collect data. Not a real dangerous job but getting to/from assignments is often not places I would choose to travel. In addition, I've encountered meth labs, pot farms, and plain old unsavory characters. We are not 'badged' officers but are allowed to carry where it's legal. Quite often we've been accused of 'spying for IRS or DEA'. If someone is touchy about either of those agencies 'spying' on them, they may be on the wrong side of something. At least 1/2 of my group has been threatened with a weapon of some sort more than once.
As for the 'jumping on', I don't think the jumpers understood what I was referring to. Having a High Point that you haven't fired since last New Year's Eve and a handful of shells rolling around in your console doesn't meet my criteria for 'prepared'.
The Israelis may have had firearms but those that weren't immediately available became worthless in a very short time.
Apr 4, 2009
China Spring TX
Mobuck opened the door.

"Common sense should be telling Americans that something similar to the Hamas attack can happen anywhere in the US at any moment. The thousands of unknown origin border invaders may be organizing a similar attack RIGHT NOW."
Total agreement from me. Unknown is the key word. No way to know how many from wherever, with whatever agenda. Even the numbers that are known are staggering for border states that have endured for decades. Oddly the paltry numbers shipped to sanctuary areas have wusses like Adams wetting his panties but let's open 'er up is the mantra. Before 9/11/01 most would have claimed that can NEVER happen in THIS country...
Mar 5, 2015
the Great State of Wide-open (WY)
So Because I don't want to carry a 1000 rounds with me in the truck, obviously I'm not prepared to meet the Apocalypse.
Smh. This is the kind of attitude that keeps me out of a lot of gun shops.

Years ago, I worked as a professional geologist out in California, known to some folks as "earthquake country". As a result of my education, I knew a major earthquake could occur at any time, so I kept extra water, batteries, etc., available for emergency use.

The "Big One" did NOT occur while I was living there; some folks might therefore call me "an idiot survivalist" or "crazy prepper". If a major quake HAD occurred while I was out there, I probably would have been calling myself an "idiot" for not having three times as much of everything.

Bottom line, any preparations you make for any potential adverse events are basically insurance. How much insurance do you want to buy? If you don't need it, you might view it as wasted time, money, and effort. If you do need it, you'll likely regret not having more. You make your decision up front, and only hindsight is 20-20. Personally, I appreciate having insurance, but other folks have other opinions.

As always FWIW, YMMV, IMHO, etc., etc.
Mar 14, 2017
Years ago, I worked as a professional geologist out in California, known to some folks as "earthquake country". As a result of my education, I knew a major earthquake could occur at any time, so I kept extra water, batteries, etc., available for emergency use.

The "Big One" did NOT occur while I was living there; some folks might therefore call me "an idiot survivalist" or "crazy prepper". If a major quake HAD occurred while I was out there, I probably would have been calling myself an "idiot" for not having three times as much of everything.

Bottom line, any preparations you make for any potential adverse events are basically insurance. How much insurance do you want to buy? If you don't need it, you might view it as wasted time, money, and effort. If you do need it, you'll likely regret not having more. You make your decision up front, and only hindsight is 20-20. Personally, I appreciate having insurance, but other folks have other opinions.

As always FWIW, YMMV, IMHO, etc., etc.
Sure, I get that. BUT do/did you go around making fun of other people because they don't meet your definition of prepared?
I kind of doubt that.

I am prepared for a lot of things. If I find myself in a bad situation, I can take care of myself (I hope). But I don't feel the need to take more than one gun, two cases of ammo and a full trauma medical kit with me everywhere I go. Why not? Because: the first rule of a gunfight is, don't get in a gunfight. Run, hide, evade. Get involved only if there is no other option.

Also, I don't make fun of other people because "they don't know the difference between a magazine and a clip, and check out that Hi Point." That is just juvenile and stupid.
Apr 4, 2009
China Spring TX
Unless maybe there's entertainment value to be had.
I do that at times, but I do make sure it is lighthearted, and shared with others that I know will take things in good humor and stride. I am just as likely to poke fun at myself as much as anything. Life is serious, a forum where most of us are friendly or friends is a good escape for a bit.