What jobs have you held?

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Jun 12, 2022
My first real job was selling cheese at a cheese store when I 16. Before that it was summers in the hay field. Quit the cheese store to go deliver bread to the schools around here for a local bakery after school. Quit that to work at the local gas station pumping gas. Back when they still did that. Did that till I got out of carpentry trade school. Did that for 6 months and quit because it just wasn't for me. A friend offered me a job working for the township here , didn't know part of the job was digging graves by hand. Did that for one summer. Around here graves are only 4 feet deep. Get into hardpan stuff of some kind ? Have to say the first time I had to fill one back in wasn't easy. You had to stand on the vault and pack the dirt back in around it. After that is was no big deal. They don't dig by hand any more. Then another friend got me on at a body shop , did that for a year. Quit that to go to the oilfield. Made about double the money. 7 years of that till the bottom dropped out of the oilfield in the 80s. Was doing body and paint work on the side the whole time I worked the oil field at my Dads place. Turned the horse barn into a body shop. Did that full time till I got on at a steel mill here. Had to give up the body work because I had to work swing shift at the mill. Got 24 years in there till they retired me. Hurt my back 3 times over the years , 2 surgeries , then the 3rd time they said they couldn't help me because it was a pinched nerve due to arthritis. So now all I do is whine about my back , load ammo , shoot and play with my grandkids. Life is still good , just can't do much.
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Sep 1, 2003
Richmond Texas USA
During grade school; Mowed lawns and paper routes.
During high school; Worked on farms, set pins at a bowling alley, worked in a foundry, worked in a supermarket.
As an Adult; USAF, worked at a photo lab, auto parts store, sold cookware, ran equipment that produced furnaces and AC Units, worked for my Grandfather who owned the airport and city limousine service.
Attended a trade school to become a draftsman. Career consisted of drafting, design, plant/equipment layout, design supervisor, project engineer, training, field engineer, inspection, commissioning of mechanical equipment and construction assistance. All 40 years was spent in the design, construction, fabrication and inspection of Refineries, Natural Gas and Chemical Plants, along with Offshore Platforms in the U.S. plus working and living in 10 foreign countries.
Retired in 2005 at 62

For fun built and restored airplanes for 60 years. Even made a little rat hole money doing it.:)


Dec 3, 2021
Wyoming, Montana
Farm work
Dairy Queen
Drugstore delivery
Youth Conservation Corp
Cemetery grounds crew
Auto mechanic
Summer researcher mosquito & gypsy moth
Summer researcher state fish and wildlife
Researcher National Marine Fisheries Service
Floral goods salesman
Toolmaker apprentice/toolmaker
Researcher Chemical Vapor Deposition on glass substrates. Two papers published
Transmission Line Engineer
Civil Engineer concrete foundations
Apr 4, 2009
China Spring TX
I never name mine, I merely make the famous claim:

I was young and needed the money! :)

My first job starting at 16 was waitress and loved it for the most part. I did up a sizable group of regulars who were wonderful and made tips that shocked me, but that on your feet and the hours were tough at times. After that it has practically all been general office/clerical and IT work for decades.