Would you consider carrying in a "murse"?

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Mar 17, 2022
I've worn a cross body bag (messager bag?) now for over 4 years. Started when my wife was doing chemo therapy, and I was carrying reading material / supplies for both of us.
Book / ipad / barf bag / other extra's

Covid hit and I added hand sanitizer and extra masks. Yep is also has a rear pocket that fits a medium auto or snubby revolver just fine.

Worn this all sort of places both common, grocery shopping, to Trans Siberian concert.
Am a birder. Carry birding book in it and a revolver or SIG 229

We carried old Claymore bags on patrol in LRRP 1966-67 for readily available extra M26/smoke.
Nov 11, 2012
In the Ozark woods
I'm not a murse or fanny pack guy, so no, I wouldn't wear one.
I carry depending on the conditions. Either a IWB, OWB, shoulder holster but the one I use most is a DeSantis Apache ankle holster, with a small automatic on one ankle, and two extra mags on the opposite ankle.
I love it!
My nephew is a cop, and he wears one for his back up pistol. I bought the same set up because he told me he ran all the time with it and it stays right in place. I needed some way to carry when I went with my wife to events that required a suit and tie, and any belt holster would print terribly. Like I said, now it's the holster I normally wear everywhere. And it's so comfortable, I don't even notice it's on.


Mar 17, 2022
I've used a shoulder bag for over 30 years. Started using one when air travel was a constant theme of my employment.
Mine is a "TUMI" leather bag with a large central pocket that allows easy carry for my EDC. I don't use it as such every day however, I prefer OWB in a Kydex holster. I did use the bag as a primary carry method while taking a handgun class and found it to be not only a comfortable carry, but accessible and an easy draw.
As with anything practice makes it better.
We carried a lot of stuff on used Claymore bags on patrol in RVN.

Family and are nature observers. I carry a small musette bag with bird book a 2 4/4 "Taurus 605 revolver. It is unobtrusive in shorts and T-shirt

Years ago I had a MAC 11. It fit nicely into musette bag with bird book with 3 x 30 round magazines. It 20 rps was actually manageable.


Oct 18, 2012
Ct., Va., & Vanzant, Mo.
i have a leather murse my deceased father in law made for my wife when she was in high school, from cattle hide. its heavy duty, to a point where its so strong and impressive in design that i said id like to use that to honor your dad, and to carry ammo to the trap range in it. i dont cross body it. i sling it on my shoulder. murse bags are common for bird hunting. and are seen as an accessory to many a fine shotgun. im proud to have one....but not in town.


Mar 19, 2022
Northwest Oregon
I need one large enough for my AR pistol in 300 AAC Blackout and multiple magazines.
AR Pistol.jpg


Oct 15, 2001
MN and MT
Maybe I should find a fake Louis Vuitton bag and use the embossed leather to make an outside the waistband holster. It could start a whole new fashion trend.


Jul 21, 2022
La Follette, TN
I wonder, how many criminals would pay attention to a small fanny pack, worn by a 50 to 80 year old man or woman? Are criminals today to young to remember fanny packs? Especially in blue states and cities, where ccw's are not common. That's where I carry 10 plus 1 Keltec P-11 a lot of the time. Or a thunder wear deep concealment holster. It's not good to print or expose your weapon in


Oct 8, 2022
I wonder, how many criminals would pay attention to a small fanny pack, worn by a 50 to 80 year old man or woman ?

You'd be surprised, the season ex-cons can make you better than the cops can. It doesn't necessarily spell gun, but perhaps wallet and car keys. The gun will be a bonus. Here's my pack but only for my water bottle and flashlight, and it will be the first thing they jack to bring me down.


And if you think no one is watching they are, people are getting jacked for their guns in the Walmart bathroom because they got spotted out in the lot adjusting everything then followed in.


Jul 21, 2022
La Follette, TN
You'd be surprised, the season ex-cons can make you better than the cops can. It doesn't necessarily spell gun, but perhaps wallet and car keys. The gun will be a bonus. Here's my pack but only for my water bottle and flashlight, and it will be the first thing they jack to bring me down.

View attachment 8250

And if you think no one is watching they are, people are getting jacked for their guns in the Walmart bathroom because they got spotted out in the lot adjusting everything then followed in.
Good points 😏


Oct 8, 2022
If it's only one assailant when they jack the cane out from under me I'm hoping it buys me enough time tying up their hands to get into my front pocket, I've trained myself to shoot from the weak side. I want them to go for the cane and not get co-cocked. If I can get to my vehicle the blaster comes out steel #1-0 buckshot 30 feet or less the face comes off will take care of multiple assailants.
Nov 15, 2005
Greenville, SC: USA
Speaking of being spotted, I've always thought that ... I know I almost always 'adjust' when I get out of my car or van..... I'll never have the time, but it would be interesting to figure out a way to watch a parking lot and try and detect how many folks are actually carrying this way.


Jan 23, 2010
We camped out a few days recently and my son says, Dad you should see my European man bag, he laughingly says I also call it my murse, anyway he put on this tanned leather satchel looking thing, wasn't very big and didn't look feminine at all, wore it on his chest like a cross draw holster, did not look anything like a holster or a lady's purse, tells me how comfortable it is and how no one seems to notice while he wears it around town, he normally has always worn basketball type shorts and would walk in transferring his wallet, carkeys and gun from the vehicle to the house in his hand, now they can stay on him or he can detach it and set it somewhere, didn't look bad and I thought it was pretty neat.
I'll have to question him some about where he got it and also didn't pay much attention to how it attached, seemed to go on and off pretty easily and was actually made to be a discrete holster, with a little more room for wallet and keys and such.
Jan 2, 2005
Northern Illinois
Another one of my old threads brought back to life.

Another alternative for carrying, but only in nice weather, is a leg bag. I bought one for use while on my motorcycle and it works fairly well even if it looks odd. But walking around with it strapped to my leg was not very comfortable so mostly it sits on a shelf gathering dust.

Now that winter is returning here in the midwest, my front pocket carry in my jeans is transitioning to front right pocket of my jacket or parka (when it gets really cold). I still haven't figured out any alternative for when I need to wear gloves. Even thin leather gloves that might allow me to draw and fire a pistol would not do so easily, and clearly would not keep my hands warm. I tend to suffer from getting cold hands and feet, so loose leather and lined gloves are probably what I need to stick with since they can come off easily so that I can reach for my firearm. Last winter I had one situation where I was in a large parking lot and I had a sense that something was not right. I removed my right glove, putting it into my left pocket and continued walking with my right hand ungloved, in my pocket, on my gun and my left hand still with a glove on it. Fortunately nothing happened to make me draw or use my handgun.
Dec 16, 2005
On the beach and in the hills
There are a whole lot of folks that don't want to be without their insulin and such. There are various types of bags and pouches for such items.

I usually carry a small one on my belt for short trips and a slightly larger one for all day outings. Both have visible logos indicating they are for medical stuff. Funny how folks will glance at them then quickly look away as if embarrassed to be caught staring.

Even law enforcement acts this way. But some of that may be driven by fear of ADA complaints. Even TSA backs off if you have documentation from a doctor that's required to fly with things like insulin and epi pens.

Of course, some of

If I didn't generally carry OWB cross draw under a "Hawaiian " style shirt it's something I might consider using.
Nov 15, 2005
Greenville, SC: USA
Back in the late Spring and early Summer of 2019 I had to wear a 'life vest' for two months.... this is a vest that has three pads on it... two in the back and one in the front and a number of sensors that all run to a pack on your side... so that if your heart goes wonky it will defib you.... vest was not that uncomfortable but the damn computer in the thing would malfunction every once and a while and you had about 10 seconds to reboot the thing or get 'the shock of your life."

Sorry I know that is off subject.... tunug: I'd like to know more about the leather European style chest pack...

Paul B

Dec 4, 1999
Tucson, AZ
Darn few days where it gets cold enough that I would need a purse, murse whatever the hell you want to call it. On really cold day maybe my down vest. The Colt Commander in an IWB rig could be a bit dificult to draw so the back up S&W M60 serves as primary duty in a pocket on the vest. Works for me. Would be the same should I wear my down jacket.
Paul B.
Jul 15, 2022
I've worn a cross body bag (messager bag?) now for over 4 years. Started when my wife was doing chemo therapy, and I was carrying reading material / supplies for both of us.
Book / ipad / barf bag / other extra's

Covid hit and I added hand sanitizer and extra masks. Yep is also has a rear pocket that fits a medium auto or snubby revolver just fine.

Worn this all sort of places both common, grocery shopping, to Trans Siberian concert.
I resorted to the same set up. Mine looks sort of military or tactical. In Arizona its difficult to carry much more than a deep carry gun in the summer. Ive carried a full size 1911 inside it and a J frame in the accessible holster area of it. I can carry a small notepad, a pig sticker and extra ammo speed strips or speed loaders. I feel its better to be armed prepared than being a victim