Amtrak in Oregon City...

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Mar 24, 2002
Oregon City, Oregon
I've not ridden a scheduled train since 1965, but I like the idea our semi-little town has its own train station.
My boy ended up needing the train yesterday, and it was so easy to pick him up close to my house.


Nov 15, 2005
Greenville, SC: USA
Just to be slightly political.... we could have spent the trillions of dollars we wasted on trying to save the mid-east so we could keep buying rich moslems oil on building the best high speed train system on the planet..... this would have employed all those young people and they would have been safer and not lost arms and legs and be killing themselves now.

Wife and I used to take the train (Amtrak) up to D.C. often back in the 90's. But we used to get a sleeper.

Most interesting train ride I ever took was from Krakow Poland to Split Croatia back in 2008.... 32 hours.....
Dec 16, 2005
On the beach and in the hills
Blume. No we can't build a workable high rail system. Politicians and greedy construction firms prevent it.

Lock a California's much touted high speed train. Supposed to go from L A to NorCal. Started decades ago, billions spent and scaled down so many times the cost of rail mile is astronomical.

Railroads were built by private enterprise with minimal government oversight. That can't happen today.
Nov 5, 2007
Dallas, TX
I've always loved train travel and used to take the train often in Bulgaria. Once or twice I got to ride on the Orient Express. It was quite a different train from the regular commuter trains in the country.

We took a sleeper car once from Plovdiv over to Varna on the Black Sea. This was in 1993. And I do remember it being very nice and comfortable.

Here in the states I've taken the train from Missouri out to Idaho and back. That was an adventure.

Bob Wright

Jun 24, 2004
Memphis, TN USA
I'm remided of the line from a western movie:

"When is the noon stage due in?"

"Usually gets in about 4:00 o'clock."

"Why do they call it the 'noon stage'?"

"Had to call it sumthin..."

That was what killed passenger trains. Time tables were a farce.

Bob Wright
Jan 10, 2005
Alexandria, LA USA
Always wanted to ride the Orient express. It would be one of my bucket items. I'm sure it's not the same as when Hercule Piroit rode it.
I did take the Grand Canyon right away last year And hope to take a few more excursion trains before my end of the line comes. Another one would be the trans-Canadian railway.
Back in the day when I lived in San Diego, we would often take the train to Los Angeles and back. That would be excursion trailers on the open ended observation 1509 and the El Capitan.
I've never taken Amtrak and I've heard horror stories from others who have
Nov 30, 2004
Alabama, in the bend of the Tennessee River
I rode a passenger train once when I was a kid, I barely remember anything about it. It was a short trip. Wife and I have ridden the narrow gauge railroad from Chama, NM to Antonito, CO, that was fun. Rode some commuter trains in Europe a few times. We checked into Amtrak one time when we lived in New Mexico re taking the train back to Alabama for a visit. It would have been Deming, NM to Birmingham, AL. But tickets were more than airfare would have been for the same trip, you had to lay over overnight in New Orleans, and someone would have still had to drive two hours to pick us up in Birmingham, so it really wasn't a good option. We thought it would be a neat experience for the kids. I wish it was a viable/available form of transportation in this country. Seems like we're missing a good thing.

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