Looks like Maine might be doing it to me again...

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Nov 15, 2005
Greenville, SC: USA
So, I applied for my Maine permit renewal back the first of May and have not received it yet. I'm thinking it will be the same problem as last time... they call in a back ground check or what ever it is to the FBI and the response is "denied". I suspect the folks processing these things did not read the cover letter I included with my renewal application... which told them this would happen and why it did not matter and that they even have the paper work on file showing this. then again it could be I filled out the renewal application wrong... I forget how many pages it was but it was pretty ridiculous I could not even understand some of the things they were asking that I might have been arrested or convicted of. They did cash my check of course... but this is really kind of silly since I have no plans to visit Maine.
Nov 15, 2005
Greenville, SC: USA
Yep, non resident permit...... Yes, I know they passed that law but there are places in Maine that you still have to have a permit to carry... like some state park I think.

I really did not need to renew... I have no plans to visit but did it just because.... When I first applied back in 2019 my wife and I were planning a trip to Maine and this state park.....

And I'm pretty sure it was before they passed the permit less carry law....

the thing is we cancelled the trip after I had a massive heart attack and ended up spending the Summer in rehab.... then about 6 months later I realized I had not gotten the permit and so I complained to the governor ..... same day I sent the email complaint I got a call from a detective in the Maine State Police explaining that the FBI said I could not own a gun.... he also apologized for letting it sit on his desk for so long, we talked and I explained how they were wrong and then sent paper work showing this and a few weeks later got my permit...

I know I've mentioned it here before... but besides traffic tickets for speeding, which I have not gotten one in 10 years or more, the only criminal conviction I have is I grew a marajuana plant back in 1978 while in college. Now to be honest the FBI does have a separate file on me in regards to something else... but that is only that I was a person of interest to them. This was because the Administration of the college I graduated from was not happy with me and when the FBI sent out a flyer looking for this person, someone at the college sent my name in. The FBI agent that interviewed me figured out real quick I was not the Unabomber.... the scary thing is I did look like the artist drawing of him.....